Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I just sent this letter to the editors of the Denver Post:

Fred Brown in his column Sunday used the term "grassroots" incorrectly, in my opinion.

Brown says: (“Grassroots” is a term used at both ends of the political spectrum to denote a party’s most ardent true believers — the left-most Democrats and the right-most Republicans.) http://activepaper.olivesoftware.com/Daily/Skins/DenverP/navigator.asp?skin=DenverP&BP=OK

Merriam-Webster Online defines grass roots as:1 BASIC 2 : being, originating, or operating in or at the grass roots 3 : not adapted from or added to an existing facility or operation : totally new

When Ben Franklin said, "we have a Republic if we can keep it," the "we" he was referring to the grassroots, it seems to me, used in this sense. He was referring to all Americans.

Keeping the common person involved and potent is the only justification for our wonderful
Colorado neighborhood caucus-assembly system for nominating to the primary ballot. The neighborhood caucus exists to welcome the political newcomer, not serve as a tool for the elite.

Words are power, and I believe the Denver Post and Mr. Brown owes our community a correction.

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