Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just realized I haven't posted here since last Thursday. But as you can see from my Twitter log to the left, I've been busy on Facebook and Twitter.

Do you think there is a need for an new 12-step recovery group, IA (Internet Anonymous)? :)

Internet evangelists say that when a technology diffuses into society, as Facebook appears to be doing (now has 200 million users, up from 100 million last August), it has achieved “critical mass.” The sheer presence of all their friends, family and colleagues on Facebook creates potent ties between users and the site — ties that are hard to break even when people want to break them.

Many who have tried to free themselves of their daily Facebook habit and leave the site, like Kerry Docherty:

“People gave me a hard time for leaving Facebook,” says Ms. Docherty, who quit at the end of 2007 but then rejoined six months later. “Everyone has a love-hate relationship with it. They wanted me to be wasting my time on it just like they were wasting their time on it.”

New York Times, Is Facebook Growing Up Too Fast?

Do you still subscribe to hard copy newspapers and magazines? How about online subscriptions?

I still take (sounds like medicine, doesn't it?) the Denver Post, and I get the Texas Observer in the mail. I have an online subscription to the Wall Street Journal. I just signed up for the new Rocky Mountain News rebirth, http://www.indenvertimes.com/

But most of my current periodical reading now is Facebook. How much is too much?

How about you? What are you reading? How much Facebook/Twitter/etc. is too much?

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