Monday, August 31, 2009
She believed that children were not blank slates, but that they each had inherent, individual gifts. It was a teacher's job to help children find these gifts, rather than dictating what a child should know. She emphasized independence, self-directed learning, and learning from peers. Children were encouraged to make decisions.
She wrote many books about her philosophy of education, including The Montessori Method (1912) and The Absorbent Mind (1949).
Sunday, August 30, 2009
In a biographical blurb she wrote about herself for a Web site, she proclaimed, "Molly Ivins is a nationally syndicated political columnist who remains cheerful despite Texas politics. She emphasizes the more hilarious aspects of both state and national government, and consequently never has to write fiction."
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Want help starting and growing your career or business?
I’ve just completed a consulting assignment, and am ready to take on the next, so if you need help now let me know. Working with me often starts with an analysis of your business or career: Your current situation, the problems and opportunities, and an action plan. So if you need help, call now at (303)861-1447 and let's brainstorm how we might work together.
I’ve just revised You can get a free download from my little book on business startup called Daring Mighty Things that will tell you (or your friend):
*The origin of the term "Daring Mighty Things."
*Why John Wren says he is a recovering MBA.
*The nature of business in a free market economy.
*Why the world needs you to start a new business.
*What is Good Work?
*Why are we called "entrepreneurs"?
*How to get more help from me.
We have great speakers at the Denver IDEA Cafe this Friday. David Miller, President of the Denver Foundation; Fr. Eustace Sequeira, SJ, new pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Church; and Liz Stelloh, Executive Director, Discovery Job Network
Denver IDEA Cafe, 2 to 3:30 p.m. each Friday (except holidays, no meeting Sept 4), Panera Bread, 1330 Grant St., Denver. Free. More info and RSVP at or call (303)861-1447
For the last few weeks I’ve been conducting an open Franklin Circle meeting right after the Denver IDEA Cafe. We meet from 3:45 to 5:15 p.m., you’ll leave with enough information to start a new group with your friends and associates or you can join one of the closed tuition-based groups that is now forming. More info and RSVP at
Denver Socrates Cafe continues to meet each Thursday evening, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at 18th & Broadway in Downtown Denver. Join us if you enjoy thoughtful conversation about serious topics. More information and RSVP at
Take a turn on the soapbox or just listen to what others have to say at Denver Speakers Corner, each Sunday, 4 p.m. in Civic Center. Details and optional RSVP at
Finally, would you like to get together for lunch tomorrow? I’m going to have my last casual get together with friends and business associates at Perkins near I25 & Colorado. If you might be able to make it tomorrow (Thur, Aug 27) email me and I’ll confirm the details with you.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
August 25, 2009
Contact: John Wren (303)861-1447
Since 1994, free help for people starting a new career, new project or campaign or new business.
DENVER—The Denver IDEA Cafe startup workshop meets from 2 to 3:30 p.m. each Friday at Panera Bread, 13th and Grant in Denver. More information and RSVP at or (303)861-1447.
Upcoming speakers:
This Friday, August 28: David Miller, President of the Denver Foundation; Fr. Eustace Sequeira, SJ, new pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Church; and Liz Stelloh, Executive Director, Discovery Job Network
Sept. 4: No meeting because of Labor Day.
Sept 11: Entrepreneur and B2B marketing expert Brett Schklar; speaker, trainer, author Mary Elston; and entrepreneur and virtual assistant Cheryl Callighan
Since 1994, the Denver IDEA Cafe has been helping people who are starting in a new direction by providing a free forum where successful people share their startup experience and then brainstorm specific questions or problems.
“We help people who aren’t sure what they are going to do Monday morning to find their own path,” says entrepreneur and long time community-activist John Wren, the founder of the group.
Wren says the name IDEA Cafe name comes from a four-step business creativity model he developed when he was Mountain Bell in the 70's.
IDEA is an acronym for: I= Inspiration or Identify the Problem; D= Develop Alternatives; E= Evaluate the Alternatives; and A= take Action. The meeting is free and open to anyone who is starting a new career, a new campaign or project, or a new business.
Why does he do it? Wren explained, “Dan Brogan, publisher of 5280 Magazine, says the group has infused Denver with a spirit of entrepreneurship over the past decade. I hope that is true, for the sake of my grand kids.”
John S. Wren, MBA is the founder of the Denver IDEA Café and Franklin Circles. He is a business consultant and adult educator. He is the father of 4 grown children, and the grandfather of 4.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hey John -
Looking to understand your viewpoint.
If government can do something as efficiently, or better, than private enterprise, where is the downside in government performing that service? We have studies that show that single payer can cover everyone, for less money. That sounds good to me. Tell me what you see as the downside?
This is my response:
Basic principle is that government should only do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Government can't do the job as well (in terms of quality, price and service) as the butcher, the baker, and the candle stick maker. Or Realtors. :)
Yes, there are some services that the government must provide because it is much more efficient than all of us doing it individually, from snow removal on our streets to the universal education of our children.
But that doesn't mean there isn't a place for private providers. Private snow removal and education providers suppliment government services.
Seems to me that's the way it should be with health care. Government provides the basic safety net so we have good health care for all Americans. But the private system is vital and should be preserved. Improved with better oversight, yes. But preserved.
To see how government handles health care, look at the outrageous decision to close Ft. Logan. Some imagine that if government is the only health care provider, things will somehow improve. Seems to me things will immediately get much, much worse.
So to me "single-pay" is the mantra of the socialists, those who would like to see government ownership of all means of production, and of the stupid.
Where am I wrong?
What do you think? Should we exchange the health care system we have now for a system run like the old post office? Should Uncle Sam be our only doctor?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
August 18, 2009
Contact: John Wren cell (720)495-4949
Since 1994, free help for people starting a new career, new project or campaign or new business.
DENVER—The Denver IDEA Cafe startup workshop meets from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at Panera Bread, 13th and Grant in Denver. More information and RSVP at or (303)861-1447.
Upcoming speakers:
This Friday, August 21: Entrepreneur Mary Manka, a retired police officer and creator of Push Ups n Paws , a fitness bootcamp that includes your dog; and Julie Rekart, CPA, who has helped her startup clients take a proactive approach since 2002.
August 28: David Miller, President of the Denver Foundation; Fr. Eustace Sequeira, SJ, new pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Church; and Liz Stelloh, Executive Director, Discovery Job Network
Since 1994, the Denver IDEA Cafe has been helping people who are starting in a new direction by providing a free forum where successful people share their startup experience and then brainstorm specific questions or problems.
“We help people find their own path,” says entrepreneur and long time community-activist John Wren, the founder of the group.
Wren says the name IDEA Cafe comes from a four-step business creativity model he developed when he was Mountain Bell in the 70's. "I had the great privilege of spending 6 months researching business creativity and we did a seminar called, 'Creative Marketing in a Recession' that was featured in AT&T's Long Lines Magazine," said Wren.
IDEA is an acronym for: I= Inspiration or Identify the Problem; D= Develop Alternatives; E= Evaluate the Alternatives; and A= take Action. The meeting is free and open to anyone who is starting a new career, a new campaign or project, or a new business.
Why does he do it? Wren explained, “Dan Brogan, publisher of 5280 Magazine, says the group has infused Denver with a spirit of entrepreneurship over the past decade. I hope that is true, for the sake of my grand kids.”
John S. Wren, MBA is the founder of the Denver IDEA Café and Franklin Circles. He is a business consultant and adult educator. He is the father of 4 grown children, and the grandfather of 4.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
This is what the American Dream originally meant!
See my comment at bottom of the Denver Post link:
As economic crises compel us to confront debates about taxes, health care and the common good, the enduring hyper-individualist conservatism of the 1980s now chafes against a president with a very different vision. (Producer John Hughes, who died recently) asks us not to obsess over society's differences, but instead to be confident in our own problem-solving talents and to remember that everyone is in this together.
We are, indeed, watching Barack Obama posthumously channel his fellow Chicagoan, Hughes. The president implores us, as "The Breakfast Club" said, to understand that "each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, and a princess, and a criminal" — that is, each one of us, however flawed, is of value.
David Sirota, Denver PostWednesday, August 12, 2009
Wednesday Report
Vol I, No. 1 August 12, 2009
Today is the 5th birthday of Denver Socrates Cafe.
This is the first of what I intend to be weekly reports about my work to help strengthen the grassroots, the voice of the common person in business and politics. Your feedback is much appreciated with your comments here if you have something nice to say, or your email to me at if you have a criticism :).
1) Did you see the advertisement for Denver IDEA Cafe in today's Denver Daily News, page 19? Pick up a copy of the paper, give it to any of your friends who are starting a new career, new project or campaign, or new business, OK?
2) A report back to you about how my fund-raising campaign is going--
A couple of weeks ago I sent this email to a few hundred friends:
Thursday, July 30
Dear Friend,
Quick note as I leave for Franklin Circle Denver South Open:
1. Franklin Circles: Can you join us today? No need to RSVP, just be there!
Perkins, 1995 S. Colorado Blvd.
Or meet with us tomorrow, 3:45 p.m. Panera Bread, 13th & Grant.
More info and RSVP "no" to get future invitations at:
2. IDEA Cafe: Did you notice the meeting announcement for tomorrow's meeting
in the Denver Business Journal? Also on p. 16 of today's (Thursday)
Denver Daily News. Should be a great meeting, hope you can join us!
More info and RSVP at
3. Would you help me help you? I'm going to start distributing this at each meeting:
OPTIONAL: Enclosed is $_____ to help cover John Wren’s time and out of pocket expenses helping people start. Do you want a receipt? ( )Yes, send me a receipt ( )No
Make checks payable to: John S. Wren, MBA
I've been doing these groups for over 10 years, doing it pretty much full time for the last two years.
Now I must start raising money to support the work I'm doing. If you could make a contribution now,it would be greatly appreciated. Send it to: John Wren, 960 Grant St. #727, Denver, CO 80203
I may form a 501C3 at a later time, for now your donation would be a personal gift to me. Thanks!
If I don't get contributions, I'll take that as a sign Denver really doesn't want what I've been providing,sort of like the Boy Scout helping the little old lady across the street that doesn't want to go! So I also am looking for consulting work that compliments what I'm doing with the groups to help people start their new careers, campaigns, and businesses. How may I help you?
John S. Wren, MBA+
Life's short, start now!
As a result of the email I got one contribution a couple of days later for $100 (thanks Julie!) and the questionaire at the meeting that week resulted in a few contributions of $20, a couple of $5, and a couple of $2. (Thanks Phil, Andy, Jeff, Drew, Dave, and the rest!)
I got very encouraging feedback, no one said I should just get a "real job" as I sometime hear from close relatives.
This email from David was very encouraging and right on target with his advice for me:
> Hi John:
> We've never met, but I get your emails, and always enjoy hearing about
> what you are doing, and how you are helping business owners succeed.
> I understand that you are a really generous guy who gives a great deal
> of time to bettering the community.
> In the vein of service, here's some free advice. I'm a marketing guy
> and would like to comment on your request for funds. I didn't find
> your approach very compelling at all and would be very surprised if
> this approach yields donations. My gut feeling is, you need a very
> different approach. In regards to consulting - you need to
> communicate SPECIFICALLY how you can help companies as a consultant.
> Ultimately if you are doing a bunch of networking, and spending your
> time helping other people for free, but are having a tough time paying
> the bills, maybe you should re-examine your business model?
> I know a guy just like you, a smart man with a passion for helping
> others. He wound up working for the SBDC in Denver and is extremely
> happy with his life. My point: there's a lot of need for guys like
> you. Take a different approach to raising funds and keep on going!
> Best of Luck
> David
Good suggestions, David, thanks. That's what I'm going to do, take a different approach to raising funds.
What I say at the weekly IDEA Cafe meetings to people who are thinking about starting a business is that in our market based economy, the market renders the final decision. So we'll see...
3) Here's my new approach, what do you think?
As a result of my business education and experience, here are my strengths, what I have to sell; I am good at:
1) Sales, especially on the telephone.
2) Getting favorable publicity for events, campaigns and people.
3) Connecting people who can help each other.
4) Adult training and education.
5) Understanding a business situation and creating a plan for growth.
The benefits of working with me as you start your new career, new project or campaign, or your new business? Start faster, for less money, and it's my belief that you increase your chances for success.
If you'd like me to help you or someone you know start or grow a business, give me a call and let's brainstorm ways I might be helpful to you.
Would you be able to have lunch tomorrow to discuss face-to-face your situation and how I might be able to help you?
Call right now (11 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time) and I should pick up right away. If you get my voice mail leave a complete message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Call now (303)861-1447.
If you know people who might benefit from my help, please forward a link to this web page along, OK? They will thank you, and so will I if you'll let me know what you've done.
4) So what do you think of my new approach? My intention is to find enough consulting work to allow me to continue the work I do with the open meetings that are intended to build community and strengthen the grassroots:
Denver IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop, Fridays from 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Franklin Circle Denver Open Meeting, Fridays at 3:45 p.m. right after the IDEA Cafe
Denver Socrates Cafe, Thursdays, 7 p.m., and a group being planned for Monday a.m.
Denver Speakers Corner, Sundays, 4 p.m., Civic Center,
Denver Startup Forum, community of practice for entrepreneurs and their advisors.
If I may be of service to you, please call me now at (303)861-1447.
Or if you don't need help right now yourself, but you'd like to help me pay my rent and other bills so I'm here when you do need me, your personal contribution would be gratefully accepted. Send it to: John Wren, 960 Grant St. #727, Denver, CO 80203.
I'll report to you back here next week with the results of this new approach.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Denver IDEA Cafe startup workshop meets from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at Panera Bread, 13th and Grant in Denver, near the State Capitol. More information and RSVP at or (303)861-1447.
Upcoming speakers:
This Friday, August 14: Nick Armstrong who has started WTF Marketing specializing in web design, social media and millennial marketing; attorney and author Elizabeth Lewis; and computer service entrepreneur Gary Herron, founder of Angel Pages
August 21: Mark O’Sullivan, creator of Vanilla a free, open source, standards compliant discussion forum for the web; entrepreneur Mary Manka, a retired police officer and creator of Push Ups n Paws , a fitness bootcamp that includes your dog; and Julie Rekart, CPA, who has helped her startup clients take a proactive approach since 2002.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Dear Denver Speakers Corner Member,
We are getting a lot of people just showing up for Denver Speakers Corner and not becoming a member or posting an RSVP here, which is great in one way:
Denver Speakers Corner seems to be taking on a life of its own.
The question is, should we continue as a group with so many inactive members? We’ll be deciding this over the next 2 or 3 weeks.
Also, we’ll be deciding whether or not to have a rotating chair person for each week who would attend the Denver City Council meeting each Monday evening, give a report about what had been discussed that week at Speakers Corner, and invite those attending to join us the next Sunday.
Keith will be chairing today’s meeting (what do you think about attending the Denver City Council tomorrow, Keith?) The group will follow our new procedure of gathering at 4 pm under the center arch of the north pavilion on Colfax by the fountain and across the street from the Denver Post, then moving to another location in the park.
Please join us at the meeting today, or RSVP “No” and let us know what you think in your RSVP comment:
If you’ve decided Denver Speakers Corner is just not something you are interested in, please cancel your membership. Right now we have 84 members, but many don’t RSVP. If that’s you, and you just don’t want to participate any more, please cancel, OK?
Or if you are supportive of the idea of a free, open forum for metro-Denver’s grassroots,RSVP now yes/no/ or maybe for today’s meeting, and while you are at it, forward a few invitations to your friends who might like to join us, OK?
If you have any questions, please give me a call at (303)861-1447 or email
John S. Wren, MBA+
Life's short, start now!
Saturday, August 08, 2009

Enchanted April (click for script) now running at Miners Alley is very well directed dramatic comedy with very fine performances by a strong cast.
A story told and retold in the play is of a walking stick taking root and becoming an acacia tree. It is thought that the burning bush Moses saw was an acacia. When Moses saw God in the burning bush, he took off his sandles.
Enchanted April is a wonderful story of repeated burning bush experiences. Lottie Wilton opens and closes the play telling us that there is much more to the world than meets they eye, we can all see the wonders and miricles, but we have to take the time to look.
As Elizabeth Browning put it, “Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes - The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.”
Mr. Wilding (a name worthy of Charles Dickens) is the owner of the Italian Villa that is the setting of the second half of the play in which the characters get in touch with their wild side, are "translated" and come to see the burning bush in each other where only stick figures existed.
Miners Alley is a gold nugget in Golden, Colorado. Just a short drive, don't miss this wonderful production. Maybe you'll be translated!
From Denver When & Where