Friday, September 25, 2020

CDC Excess Death Chart

Seems to me this puts excess deaths, those over and above how many were expected to die of other causes, into a true perspective. Why isn't it ever used by the media?

Saturday, September 19, 2020

History of USA Wildfire Policy Since 1905.

Why no mention of very poor policy decisions that have created this problem, climate change aside? Read this abstract,...

Posted by John S Wren on Saturday, September 19, 2020

US has wrong wildfire policy since 1905.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

In this election, don't just settle.


New! Vote+

Quantum Voting for Elections When You Can’t Decide.

Quantum computers are more powerful because bits aren’t just one or zero. With Vote+, a new way to vote, you aren’t forced to pick just one candidate or another. 

Whether you like both candidates so much you can’t decide, or whether you dislike both candidates so much you can’t decide, you don’t have to just settle for one or the other, and you can send a big message.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You get your paper ballot and vote in the normal way.
  2. In the race you want to use Vote+ because in your eyes the candidates are either equally good or bad vote for both on the paper ballot or vote for neither.
  3. Both blank means you dislike both and can’t vote for either.
  4. Both marked means you like both/all candidates equally.

The benefit of Vote+

  1. It encourages more people to vote since they have a way of expressing their faith in our country and believe that both/all candidates will do a good job.
  2. It also encourages more people to vote because it gives them a way to express their extreme displeasure with both/all candidates.

Only works with paper ballots.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

New Online eFranklin Circles now forming:

Associated we can accomplish more than in isolation. Ben Franklin

What is a Franklin Circle?

Experience keeps a dear School, but Fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that. We may give Advice, but we cannot give Conduct. They that won’t be counseled can’t be helped. If you will not hear Reason, She’ll surely rap your Knuckles. Poor Richard.


In 1727 Benjamin Franklin formed his more Ingenious Acquaintances into a club for mutual improvement, which they eventually called the Junto. Each meeting had two parts: 1)  In rotation, each member was to, as Franklin said, “produce and read an essay of his own writing on any subject he pleased.” 2) In addition, the group addressed Franklin’s 24 Standing Queries or Questions for Discussion, which we have edited down to 7.  Franklin’s original Junto Group met each week for 35 years, and Franklin called it “the best school,” it having helped him and the others learn to become successful business people and civic leaders. Training Magazine has cited Franklin’s Junto as an example of the best principles of modern adult education. The Franklin Circle may be Franklin’s best invention!


         Franklin Circle Model Meeting  Format (to be modified by each new group.)

                Individuals Associated can do more for society, and themselves, than they can in isolation. Benjamin Franklin

10 Guidelines:

1.  This model meeting is for people who might like the benefits of a Franklin Circle..

2.   Membership is usually limited to 12 people interested in similar learning topics. 

Tonight! 1st Sunday at University of Denver. PLEASE SHARE

Saturday, September 05, 2020

Help stop negative campaigning!