Wednesday, May 31, 2023

John's Chat With ChatGBT and You: #YYYRTN

Online with John Wren. Call 24/7 (303)861-1447

Next Online Socrates Cafe 6:30 p.m. Denver MDT, Friday, June 2, 2023, join us at 6:15 if you have a topic to suggest. See

JSW Question: Does any major city have someone who produces and sells an independent tip sheet about low cost/no cost gatherings used by lonely people, sort of like (if it is still around-- I read about it in an article in Inc Magazine years ago, the creator was making about $1million per month from advertising) but unlike PlentyO family friendly, might even have a list of meat markets warning people to not go.


It's possible that some major cities have individuals or organizations producing and selling independent tip sheets or newsletters about low-cost or no-cost gatherings for various purposes, including for lonely people looking to connect

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Link Tonight, 5-30-23

Online Socrates Cafe, 6:30 p.m. May 30, 2023

New! For security we've been trying different way to connect with you. After much thought and experimentation, here is the new policy:

The Zoom or other platform meeting number and password will be posted right here each time there is an Online Socrates Cafe no later than 6:15 p.m. Denver MDT. If you have a topic to suggest please post it here.

John Wren

Monday, May 29, 2023

DRAFT-- What is the effect of advances in technology on worker benefits?

 For John and Allie:

Questions for Chat GPT

DRAFT-- May 29, 2023  

QUESTION: It has been well documented and well publicized that advances in technology have the benefit to industry of lowering the total cost of labor per unit of output, and that at the same time it increases overall employment and wages paid out. What are historical examples of this being true? 


The claim that advances in technology lower the total cost of labor per unit of output while simultaneously increasing overall employment and wages paid out is not a universally applicable pattern throughout history. While technology has undoubtedly brought significant benefits to various industries, the impact on employment and wages can vary depending on the specific circumstances and context. It is important to consider the complexities and nuances of economic dynamics when examining historical examples.

That being said, there have been instances where technological advancements have resulted in increased productivity, economic growth, and improved living standards for society as a whole. Here are a few examples:

  1. Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, witnessed the mechanization of many manual labor-intensive processes. The introduction of steam power, machinery, and the factory system significantly increased productivity and lowered production costs. While some traditional jobs were displaced, new jobs were created in manufacturing, transportation, and related industries. Over time, the increased productivity led to higher wages and improved living conditions for many workers.
  2. Agricultural Mechanization: The adoption of agricultural machinery, such as tractors, harvesters, and other modern farming equipment, has led to significant improvements in productivity in the agricultural sector. This increased efficiency has allowed farmers to produce more with fewer workers, leading to a shift of labor from agriculture to other sectors of the economy. While the total number of agricultural jobs declined, productivity gains contributed to overall economic growth and higher wages in non-agricultural sectors.
  3. Information Technology Revolution: The rise of information technology and the digital age has had transformative effects on various industries. Technological advancements in computing power, telecommunications, and software development have increased productivity and created new job opportunities in sectors like software engineering, data analysis, and digital marketing. While some traditional jobs were automated or eliminated, the demand for skilled workers in technology-related fields has surged, resulting in higher wages for those with relevant skills.
  4. Automation in Manufacturing: Although automation in manufacturing can lead to job displacements in certain areas, it has also driven productivity gains and cost reductions, making businesses more competitive. Lower production costs can enable companies to expand their operations, create new jobs in research and development, design, marketing, and other higher-skilled positions. Furthermore, as new industries and technologies emerge, additional employment opportunities can arise.

While these examples suggest a positive correlation between technology, productivity, and economic growth, it's important to note that the impact can vary across different industries, regions, and time periods. Technological advancements can disrupt certain sectors and lead to short-term job losses or wage stagnation for specific groups of workers. The overall effects depend on various factors, including the pace of technological change, the availability of complementary skills, the nature of labor markets, and policy responses to address potential disruptions and promote inclusive growth.

QUESTION: Right now labor costs in supermarkets are being slashed by eliminating 10 or 12 checkers and replacing them with self-checking equipment. Where are those checkers across the country going? Some may be employed to supervise the self-checking, some may go to work for the equipment manufactures, but where do the others go? What does economic theory tell us? 


The transition from traditional checkout lanes to self-checkout systems in supermarkets can indeed result in job displacements for cashiers. The affected workers may find alternative employment opportunities within the supermarket, in other industries, or face challenges in the job market. Economic theory provides several perspectives on how these displaced workers might be absorbed into the labor market:

  1. Job Reallocation: One theory suggests that as technology replaces certain tasks, it also creates new jobs in other sectors or occupations. When workers are displaced from one industry, they may transition to other sectors that are experiencing growth. For example, they might find employment in industries like customer service, logistics, or hospitality. The assumption is that technological advancements generate overall economic growth, leading to a net increase in employment opportunities.
  2. Skill Upgrading: Another perspective emphasizes the importance of acquiring new skills and adapting to changing job requirements. Technological advancements often create demand for workers with specialized skills in operating and maintaining new equipment. Therefore, some displaced workers may choose to undergo training or education programs to upgrade their skills, enabling them to secure employment in emerging sectors or occupations.
  3. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Displaced workers may also explore entrepreneurial opportunities or engage in innovative ventures. With their industry experience and knowledge, some individuals may identify gaps or niches in the market and establish their own businesses. This can contribute to job creation and economic growth.
  4. Short-Term Disruptions: In the short term, job displacements caused by technological changes can lead to unemployment or underemployment for affected workers. This can be particularly challenging for individuals who have specific skills or experience tied to the industry undergoing automation. In such cases, supportive policies, such as retraining programs, job placement services, and unemployment benefits, can play a crucial role in facilitating the transition and mitigating the negative impacts.

It's important to note that the outcomes for displaced workers can vary significantly depending on factors such as the local job market, the availability of alternative employment opportunities, the adaptability of workers to new roles, and the pace and extent of technological change. The impact of automation on employment and the overall economy is a complex issue, and it requires a multifaceted approach involving policy interventions, investment in education and training, and a focus on creating new job opportunities to ensure a smooth transition for workers.

Regenerate response

Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT May 24 Version

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Socrates Cafes, 6:30 p.m. Denver, 8:30 p.m. Eastern. "Socratic Startup Since 2004": Back to Zoom: Socrates Cafes each Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday 6:30 to 8 p.m. p.m. Denver MDT Click    

Working Together: How to form a new relationship.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

"Socratic Startup Since 2004": Back to Zoom "Socratic Startup Since 2004": Back to Zoom: Socrates Cafes each Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday 6:30 to 8 p.m. p.m. Denver MDT Click    

I'm going to Zoom workshop this week, and the attendee questionnaire asked me to say what was I proudest of doing in my work life. It made me realize I hadn't talked about that here or anywhere else for a while, it wasn't just me, of course, good accomplishments. Two people who didn't get nearly the credit they deserved were Phil Perington and Ruth Prendergast. I am proudest of the small part I played in "Save the Caucus" a campaign aimed at preserving the Colorado Caucus system in 2001.

In Colorado, the caucus system is a grassroots method of selecting candidates for political parties. It involves holding meetings at the neighborhood level, where participants discuss and vote on candidates for various offices. The system was established to encourage citizen involvement in the political process.

During the 2001 election, Amendment 29 was proposed, which sought to eliminate or modify the Colorado Caucus system. The SAVE THE CAUCUS COMMITTEE organized the "Save the Caucus" campaign to oppose this amendment. Despite being significantly outspent, with Bighorn Institute reportedly spending $800,000 compared to SAVE THE CAUCUS' $7,800, the campaign was successful in defeating Amendment 29.

"Save the Caucus" prevailed in preserving the Colorado Caucus system, and the amendment did not pass. This campaign serves as an example of grassroots activism and citizen engagement in preserving a particular political process.

For more detailed information, I encourage you to refer to the Wikipedia article on the Colorado Caucus for a comprehensive overview of the topic.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Robert Langs, MD Trama, Unconscious Stories, Triggers, 3 Death Fears.

Saturday, May 20, 2023 "Socratic Startup Since 2004": Back to Zoom "Socratic Startup Since 2004": Back to Zoom: Socrates Cafe tonight , Saturday, May 20,  6:30 to 8 p.m. p.m. Denver MDT Click    As you can see, we are goi...

Back to Zoom

Socrates Cafe tonight, Saturday, May 20, 
6:30 to 8 p.m. p.m. Denver MDT

As you can see, we are going back to Zoom 

We choose a topic, share our thoughts, ask each other questions.

Join us!

Friday, May 19, 2023

New! A Chat With ChatGPT, Editor John Wren #1

Online with John Wren. Call (303)861-1447

A Chat with ChatGPT, Today About:

Editor: John Scott Wren

Submit your chat with ChatGPT to

   Question Anon (from Anonymous at request of author.)

Just looking at the first 164 pages of the book Alcoholics Anonymous, what does it mean "to practice these principles in all our affairs?"  What are the principles expressed in those 164 pages? What is the alcoholic supposed to do with those principles? 


2 / 2

In the book "Alcoholics Anonymous" (also known as the Big Book), the phrase "to practice these principles in all our affairs" refers to the application of the principles outlined in the program of recovery to every aspect of an alcoholic's life,not just their relationship with alcohol. It suggests that the principles should be integrated into all areas of their thoughts, actions, and interactions with others.

The principles expressed in the first 164 pages of the Big Book include:

  1. Honesty: Being truthful with oneself and others about one's alcoholism and its effects.
  2. Hope: Believing in the possibility of recovery and a better life.
  3. Faith: Developing a reliance on a higher power or a power greater than oneself.
  4. Courage: Facing and overcoming fears and challenges associated with recovery.
  5. Integrity: Developing moral principles and living in alignment with them.
  6. Willingness: Being open-minded and willing to take necessary actions for recovery.
  7. Humility: Recognizing one's limitations and seeking help and support from others.
  8. Brotherly love: Cultivating compassion and care for fellow alcoholics.
  9. Justice: Making amends for past wrongs and making things right with others.
  10. Perseverance: Continuing to work on one's recovery, even in the face of challenges.
  11. Spirituality: Developing a spiritual connection or seeking a spiritual path.
  12. Service: Helping others who struggle with alcoholism and supporting the recovery community.

The alcoholic is supposed to integrate these principles into their daily life. It involves not just abstaining from alcohol but also practicing honesty, humility, integrity, and other principles in their interactions with others. The goal is to achieve a transformation of character and a new way of living that is centered around recovery and personal growth. By practicing these principles in all areas of life, an alcoholic can maintain sobriety and build a meaningful, fulfilling life in recovery.

  Question Anon

Specifically, how am I supposed to do that? My sponsor George, who I think saved my life, told me any alcoholic coming into AA is a liar, a thief, and a con, so how can I possibly trust anything that I think? That's why I need a sponsor.


It's understandable to have doubts and concerns about trusting yourself and your own judgment, especially in the early stages of recovery. Having a sponsor can be immensely helpful in navigating these challenges. Here are some suggestions on how to practice the principles in all your affairs and address the trust issue:

  1. Work closely with your sponsor: Your sponsor is there to guide and support you through the recovery process. Regularly meet with your sponsor, share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns, and seek their guidance on applying the principles in your life.
  2. Embrace rigorous honesty: Recognize that the journey of recovery begins with honesty. Be honest with yourself and your sponsor about your struggles, fears, and doubts. Embracing honesty helps build trust, both with yourself and with others.
  3. Start small and build confidence: Begin by applying the principles in small, manageable ways. For example, practice honesty in your daily interactions, keep your commitments, and seek opportunities to be of service to others. As you experience success in these areas, your confidence will grow.
  4. Develop self-awareness: Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Reflect on how they align with the principles of recovery. Regular self-reflection and journaling can help you identify areas for growth and gain insight into your progress.
  5. Attend meetings and seek support: Regularly attending AA meetings provides a supportive environment where you can connect with others who are on a similar journey. Sharing your experiences and hearing from others can reinforce the principles and help you develop trust in the program.
  6. Take suggestions and follow the program: Trust the experience and wisdom of those who have successfully recovered. Follow the suggestions and recommendations of your sponsor and other members of AA who have found success in practicing the principles.

Remember that trust in yourself and the process of recovery takes time. By actively engaging in the program, seeking guidance from your sponsor, and embracing the principles of AA, you can gradually rebuild trust in yourself and your

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

My chat with ChatGPT

Read my little book, Daring Mighty Things. It's the simplest way to start. See:

ChatGPT:  Wikipedia and other online resources often provide a good starting point for research. To find the most current and detailed information about King Soopers or its founder Lloyd King, I would recommend looking at reputable online sources, including the official King Soopers or Kroger websites, or checking the latest entries on Wikipedia or other online encyclopedias. Please remember to evaluate the credibility of your sources and cross-check the information you find.

Wren:  Please give me a list of reliable online sources.


Certainly, here are some generally reliable online sources for various types of information:

  1. Academic Information and Research:
    • Google Scholar (