Monday, April 17, 2006

Blogger Buzz

Here is news about setting up a blog, and
I'm going to start posting here each day.

Was just inspired reading this explaination of the Power Law distribution. Winner take all shouldn't discourage us. I'll be writing for a few close friends, if others read it that's great.

Friday, April 14, 2006

I just contacted Lucie, Assistant to the CEO of Cervantes Captiol, the operating company for Quiznos, to try and contact Jimmy, who started the first Quizons, which is just across the street from where we meet in Denver each month. We'll try and get him to speak soon at one of our meetings.

One of our members discovered we meet across the street from the original Quiznos when they saw it mentioned on a menu of a Quiznos in California. Wren's eJournal