Friday, May 29, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

OODA Loop and Meditation

Personal PrOcessing Guide           Dr. Robert Langs’ “Decoding Your Daydreams” Made Simple.

EMERGENCY? CALL 911. Not to be used without first talking about Personal PrOcessing with a therapist, spiritual director, or friend you like and trust, someone who knows you well.

This is a brief introduction to a technique, a new way of what could be called meditating, developed by a very well known and influential psychotherapist, the late Dr. Robert Langs, MD. What Dr. Langs called “self-analysis” and later “self-processing” and that I am now calling Personal PrOcessing, is a way to access (Observe) your HP, what Langs called “your deep unconscious wisdom system.” It could be called self-directed psychotherapy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

SCOTUS on Colorado Caucus Case!

It sounds like the Supreme Court is going to hear the arguments that the role of an electoral college delegate is to screen out the tyrants that slip through, this is great news!

For more see Wikipedia article "Colorado Caucus."

Monday, May 04, 2020

Contributions of Dr. Robert Langs to Clinical Psychoanalysis

Contributions of Dr. Robert Langs to Clinical Psychoanalysis, 1973 - 19791 by R.M. Reynolds

The present paper is a review of the contributions of Robert Langs to psychotherapy, as found in books which he published during the period from 1973 to 1979. It describes an adaptational-interactional approach to psychotherapy in which attention is directed to the therapeutic and anti- therapeutic role of introjection and