Here's Gov. Bill Ritter introducing Denver Public School Superintendent Michael Bennet as his pick to take Sen. Ken Salazar's seat when Salazar becomes Secretary of Interior as expected.
Standing with Bennet is his family. News release distributed at the event states: "Michael married Susan Daggett, a successful natural resources lawyer, in 1997. Micael and Susan are the proud parents of three daughters, Caroline (9), Halina (7), and Anne (4)."
Nearly everyone who came to the podium (Ritter, Bennet, Salazar, Sen.-elect Mark Udal, and DPS Board Pres. Theresa Pena) praised Bennet's abilities (creative, problem solver, brings people together) and recognized the importance of a bi-partisian approach.
My question: If it's so important to be bi-partisian, why was Pat Waak recognized and not Dick Wadhams?
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