Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I've set up a new blog for your new, free Small Business Chamber of Commerce. Everything having to do with it will now be posted there, except for the link to the left. The new address is http://www.sbccblog.com/. Check it out and let me know what you think, especially if you see me doing something stupid! :)

I'm starting the new, free SBCC as a one-man band, but intend to share leadership of it ASAP, probably after our first 2nd Saturday Big Event which I'll announce as soon as we have 1000 members on our new Facebook Group, see link on http://www.sbccblog.com/

After our first Big Event here in Denver, I want to use my time to start the next Big Event, probably in Seattle or Houston. If you are interested in being part of the Denver Committee, please let me know and I'll share more of the details with you. Contact me at JohnSWren@aol.com or (303)861-1447.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Small Business Chamber of Commerce
Accomplish More!

September 16, 2010

Contact: John Wren cell (720)495-4949, John@JohnWren.com, or JohnSWren@aol.com

Mission of the founder is to reduce the unemployment rate in Denver and around the world.

Denver-- A new, free Small Business Chamber of Commerce is being created by entrepreneur and long-time community activist John Wren. Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and the organizations and people who support them can join now. For more information see http://Facebook.com/Small.Business.Chamber or call (303)861-1447.

Announcing the formation of the new group, John Wren said, "Today Denver. Tomorrow the world! Your new, free, self-organizing Small Business Chamber of Commerce will use the Internet to connect with people who are starting in a new direction with their career, starting a new project or campaign, or starting a new business, to help them successfully start and grow.

"We will cooperate with all existing chambers of commerce, trade associations, service clubs and other groups that have a similar mission, but we will affiliate with none of them. We hope to popularize the proven concepts of a free, weekly startup workshop similar to the Denver IDEA Cafe and the Franklin Circle peer advisory group.

"The group will be self-organizing. Members will be encouraged to get started, and then to help others get started. We hope to have a volunteer leader for an IDEA Cafe in every chamber of commerce group.

"If we are successful we will reduce the unemployment rate in Denver, in Colorado, across the country, and perhaps even around the world.

"A monthly face-to-face meeting, a combination job-fair, trade show, and networking group will be held the second Saturday starting in November here in Denver. A meeting place and sponsors are now being finalized. This Denver meeting will become the world-wide model, which we will share on a monthly online meeting. To keep things simple I'll operate the group for now as a sole proprietorship, but this is very much a group effort, please contact me if you'd like to help." said Wren.

John Wren www.JohnWren.com is the founder of the Denver IDEA Cafe, Franklin Circles, and the Jesuit Guide Discussion Group. He has done business consulting and adult education in Denver since 1979. Wren graduated from Denver's Thomas Jefferson High School ('65), he attended Cornell College and Regis University, and he is a graduate of the University of Denver (BA'69, MBA'78). He is past President of the University of Denver Graduate Student Association, the Colorado College Republicans, the Denver City Club, and The South Metro Denver Optimist Club. He has been a member through his employers of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry, and he was one of the early members of the South Metro Chamber of Commerce. He has been a teacher for the American Management Association, colleges, and adult education programs. He is the author of Daring Mighty Things-- The Simplest Way to Start Your First (or Next) New Business. To schedule him as a speaker for your business or civic group or for more information about his new, free Small Business Chamber of Commerce, contact him at John@JohnWren.com or (303)861-1447.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's the birthday of short-story writer O. Henry, (books by this author) born William Sidney Porter in Greensboro, North Carolina, on this day in 1862. He penned the witty, surprise-ending short stories "The Gift of the Magi," "The Ransom of Red Chief," "A Retrieved Reformation," and "The Cop and the Anthem."

In 1909, the year before he died, he conducted an "autobiographical interview" of himself for The New York Times. It appeared under the title: "'O. HENRY' ON HIMSELF, LIFE, AND OTHER THINGS; For the First Time the Author of 'The Four Million' Tells a Bit of the 'Story of My Life.'"

He wrote:

"What advice would you give to young writers?"

"I'll give you the whole secret of short-story writing. Here it is. Rule I: Write stories that please yourself. There is no Rule II."

Asked by himself about writer's block, O. Henry answered:

"Yes, I get dry spells. Sometimes I can't turn out a thing for three months. When one of those spells comes on I quit trying to work and go out and see something of life. You can't write a story that's got any life in it by sitting at a writing table and thinking. You've got to get out into the streets, into the crowds, talk with people, and feel the rush and throb of real life — that's the stimulant for a story writer."

From The Writer's Almanac for today.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

I've decided to start a new Small Business Chamber of Commerce.

For over 10 years I've been holding meetings of the Denver IDEA Cafe
startup workshop and helping people start or join peer advisory groups
I call Franklin Circles.

The new Small Business Chamber is a way to expand these activities.

I'll continue the weekly Denver IDEA Cafe meetings and encouraging
others to form similar groups in cities and towns across Colorado and
in other major cities.

We'll have a face-to-face membership meeting here in Denver once a
month, and we will have a monthly online meeting.

Small business (EF Schumacher defined a small business back in his day
as having 300 or fewer employees, today I'd say that's grown to 500)
has always created most of the new jobs.

If we are successful we could have an impact on the high unemployement rate.

Will you join us in this important work?

You can join for free at http://meetup.com/Small-Business-Chamber.

If you have any questions, contact me at John@JohnWren.com or (303)861-1447.

Together, we can accomplish more!

Monday, September 06, 2010

Denver IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop Friday (Sept 10)

We invite successful people to share their startup experience and we brainstorm. Free and open to all, we just ask that you bring your brain for the brainstorming!

To see who the speakers are this week (one is in the picture to the right, do you know who she is?) and to RSVP if you want a seat at the brainstorming table, see http://meetup.com/Denver-IDEA-Cafe. If you have any questions, and if you'd be willing to have us announce you as a speaker at an upcoming meeting, contact John Wren at John@JohnWren.com or (303)861-1447.