Thursday, June 30, 2016

Jeff Bridges suggests we return to frontier politics.

Is Jeff Bridges a transpolitical? He posted this on Facebook after he won his primary race Tuesday:

" I believe politicians should talk less and listen more, and that's exactly what we did in thousands of personal, one-on-one conversations. What we heard is that our neighbors are ready to rid Colorado of the partisanship that has infected our collaborative, frontier culture. We need fresh perspectives rooted in our shared Colorado values. And we look forward to having thousands more conversations between now and November."
If Jeff is open minded perhaps he'll find an hour to watch this talk by a Harvard professor addressing the reason for political parties. A professor at the University of Denver has just published a book that seems to make the same argument from what is said in this week's Colorado Statesman Newspaper. : Are Unaffiliated voters transpoliticals? Are they ...:

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