Sunday, July 24, 2016

Do only those with great parents do well?

No matter who is elected President, we each have to play the hand we are dealt in life. 

Most parents do the best they can, sometimes it's terrible, it's never perfect, and as the author of the Harry Potter said, unhappiness being the parents fault needs to have an expiration date. 

Kids from broken homes are sometimes the most resilient people, strongest at the broken place. 

Recent research has shown (see Angela Duckworth's book "Grit") this strength that comes from overcoming adversity has more to do with having a good life, loving God and the world, even those who are our neighbors and our enemies, grit has more to do with having the life we want than anything else other that a strong faith in God (see Charles Murray's monumental book "Human Achievement.")

After our first 14 years or so we each set our own expiration date for blaming our parents for our own unhappiness.

It's never to late to become willing to do the work and have faith, but at some point, whether it is 14 or 70, we each (with God's direction-- God doesn't paddle) we each have to paddle our own canoe.

At the end of our life and today we are each just as happy as we make up our mind to be. It's our choice to become well and see the world, God's creation, is good and people are nice.

Be well. (I remind myself when I write this for you. Thanks.)

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