Friday, July 27, 2018

Won't you be my neighbor?

Today (Fri, 7/29) at 10 a.m. Denver time, 9 Pacific, noon Eastern (or any time after that by recording) we will talk about Mr. Rogers on the SBCC Startup Show. Join us by "Visit Group" button on the SBCC Facebook Page (click here now.)

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Start Now! SBCC Startup Method.: Startup Show: Think!

Start Now! SBCC Startup Method.: Startup Show: Think!: Today's topic on the Startup Show: Think! Starting today only members of our SBCC Facebook Club will be able to see the Startup Show. Yo...

What do you think?

Thursday, July 19, 2018


A Trump Supporter and a Black Lives Matter Activist Discuss Policing and Racial Justice by Better Angels Media via #soundcloud

I'll talk more about today on the Startup Show, live each day Monday thru Friday on our (click)

Come teach for us? You are invited to join our Faculty Club for lunch at 11:30 a.m. today and each Thursday at Pete's University Park Cafe. More info and rsvp at

Monday, July 16, 2018

Recover and Flourish!

Start Now! SBCC Startup Method.: Recover and Flourish!:

INVITATION: Join us today or any Monday afternoon for open discussion, we share Root & Branch, our problems and our experience with the 12-steps, meditation, and recovery. Free and open to everyone. In Denver a few friends (you today or next week?) each Monday afternoon, 1:30 p.m. at 1311 York Street, 3rd floor. If you have any questions call John (303)861-1447

Last call...

This is the last day for my Facebook Page 2-Way Prayer. I'll tell you why today and how I'm going to pass it on if you the Startup Show, live video at 10 a.m. MDT on  

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Colorado Gov Attends Meeting in Italy.

 A diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media is invited each year to a world conference, this year Gov. Hickenlooper was invited and he attended. The list of participants is available on

The key topics for discussion this year included:
  1. Populism in Europe
  2. The inequality challenge
  3. The future of work
  4. Artificial intelligence
  5. The US before midterms
  6. Free trade
  7. US world leadership
  8. Russia
  9. Quantum computing
  10. Saudi Arabia and Iran
  11. The “post-truth” world
Possible topics for a Socrates Cafe (click here)

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Confronting Evil

Dr. Bud Harris: "Evil is a call, perhaps a demand from life, for us to develop a more profound sense of self-knowledge and consciousness. It may help us to recall Jung in an interview when he passionately says,
"The world hangs by a slender thread and
that thread is the consciousness of man.
WE are the great danger.
What if something goes wrong with the psyche?
But we know nothing about it and it seems
that if we are well fed and clothed we have
little urge to learn about ourselves and that
is our greatest mistake of all."

...Each time we integrate part of our shadow we reduce the evil in the world but when we fail to do this, to

Book Reading and Discussion: "Cracking Open"

Red Zone Playbook: