Tuesday, August 25, 2020



Tuesday, August 25, 2020

LISTEN! Ben Franklin had a good relationship with every religious institution in Philadelphia. Shall we discuss this tonight? Everyone reading this is invited to the Socrates Cafe that usually meets at Denver Trinity Church, for now online, check it out: http://Meetup.com/Socrates-Cafe-Society
I'll start tonight by talking about my weak faith...

... which sets the bar pretty low, and then we will invite those who want to talk about their faith. As longshoreman Eric Hoffer showed us long ago, we all believe in something, even the drunk at the bar having another drink too many. If the drunk is with us tonight, he might say, "everyone has to believe in something. I believe I'll have another drink." 🙂
We are all being given a choice in this election, but it is a bit like the two brothers in Alaska who died. Their cabin caught fire and one of the brothers couldn't get out and he burned to death. The other brother escaped the fire but froze to death in the Alaska cold. But on average, they were perfectly comfortable.
Some have suggested that we need a new definition of what it means to be an American. Some are so committed to their ideology that when two are gathered together to talk about politics it turns into what might be called oral sex, they stand opposite each other and take turns yelling at each other "Xuck you!" "No, xuck you!" In a way that's what we are being given in these two political conventions.
The answer to this problem will not come from another meeting of any large, well-established institution. They are all worth supporting, but they are not the path to a helpful answer, in my opinion. But what we've been doing for the past couple of decades with Socrates Cafes might be. Will you join us tonight for the Trinity meeting and/or next Saturday for the University of Denver meeting? You can rsvp (now, I suggest you hurry) and get more information about what we've been doing for the last 20+ years at http://Meeting.com/Socrates-Cafe-Society or call me (303)861-1447. RECOVER AMERICA!
Something I personally find helpful and often share with my Facebook friends is a daily meditation given to the world by UK Jesuits each morning. Seems to me it might be useful to almost everyone when specifically Catholic or even just Christian theological terms are mentally replaced with 12-step terms such as "Higher Power." http://Pray-As-You-Go.org
May God continue to bless the world, America, and you+++
John Wren (303)861-1447 www.JohnWren.com.


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