Sunday, September 25, 2022

Starting? Here's help:

Message from Governor Polis:


Thursday, September 22, 2022

PBS NewsHour interview: The Divider.

"Simplify, simplify." Henry David Thoreau

 If you could only use a very minimum of apps or social media, programs etc for your personal use (not business) would that include Facebook, yes or no, and what else would be on your "I have to have" list.

For me, yes, MAC Pages, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Meetup, and Blogspot and all of Google, now that I think of it.

How about you? Post as comment here or leave on voicemail (303)861-1447.

Thanks!  Could be a topic for some Socrates Cafe, but only if you rsvp for the date you want and then call me to confirm. 

Day 4-- Become fluent with the Internet: Linked In, Twitter, and Facebook., "Help us strengthen the voice of the common person.": Day 4, #RUN2WIN2024

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Monday, September 19, 2022

Day 2, Run to Win Daily Email. PLEASE SHARE

 NEW! This is the 2nd day for a post by 12 noon Denver time on Check it out:, "Help us strengthen the voice of the common person."

Our focus is to organize a Socrates Cafe in each state and then in many of it's neighborhoods, starting with a school, college, and public library. Call us about how we can help you start a new Socrates Cafe in your state and/or local precinct. More info and rsvp on our Meetup site, check it out: and call (303)861-1447

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Run to win in 2024-- New daily blog starts today.

#RUN2WIN2024 Day 1, Fri_9-17-22 Citizenship Day. Want to run to win in 2024? Go! that's right, start this moment! First step, decide if you want to run yourself or if you want to help another good person who has already started thinking about standing for elected public office. Do that today, then tomorrow check back to The new blog is designed to help you win no matter who you are or what you want to do when you are elected. Only requirement... more about that tomorrow.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Karen Horney: Self-Analysis

I just posted a link to this video and suggested it as a topic for Online Socrates Cafe. Join us tonight (9-16) or any Friday, Saturday, 1st Sunday, or Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. Eastern, 5:30 p.m. Pacific. Link (for now Zoom) check it out and

Thursday, September 15, 2022

First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope

First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope: The dawn of a new era in astronomy has begun as the world gets its first look at the full capabilities of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a partnership with ESA (European Space Agency) and CSA (Canadian Space Agency).

Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine. Class 3: Geography and Anc...

Thursday, September 08, 2022

"Politics in a Constitutional Democracy" posible topic for Socrates Cafe"

Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine. Class 2: The Genesis of Nations.

Freud's inspiration for free association: Ludwig Borne.

 Ernest Jones in his first volume of Sigmund Freud's biography relates that "Böeme" [sic] was an especial favourite in Freud's adolescence, a half century later quoting many passages from the essay "The Art of Becoming an Original Writer", which clearly played a part in Freud's putting his trust in free association during psycho-analysis:

Here follows the practical prescription I promised. Take a few sheets of paper and for three days in succession write down, with any falsification or hypocrisy, everything that comes into your head. Write what you think of yourself, of your women, of the Turkish War, of Goethe... of the last judgment, of those senior to you in authority -- and when the three days are over you will be amazed at what novel and startling thoughts have welled up in you.


That is the art of becoming an original writer in three days.

From Wikipedia article today "Ludwig Bourn."  

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

What do you think?

Friday, September 02, 2022

Thursday, September 01, 2022