Thursday, September 22, 2022

"Simplify, simplify." Henry David Thoreau

 If you could only use a very minimum of apps or social media, programs etc for your personal use (not business) would that include Facebook, yes or no, and what else would be on your "I have to have" list.

For me, yes, MAC Pages, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Meetup, and Blogspot and all of Google, now that I think of it.

How about you? Post as comment here or leave on voicemail (303)861-1447.

Thanks!  Could be a topic for some Socrates Cafe, but only if you rsvp for the date you want and then call me to confirm. 

1 comment:

  1. Has someone done a poll along these lines? Pew?


Your comment or question here is very welcome! Or to keep it confidential email me at After you post or send it is very helpful if you then call me at (303)861-1447 to make sure I take a look at your comment here or your email. Thanks!