Thursday, August 31, 2006

Albert Einstein on PBS American Masters

I watched this program about Albert Einstein last night. At the end one of his friends reflected on Einstein's life and said, "Time was not a factor for him. Most of us will give something a certain amount of time and then decide to go on to something else. Not Albert. Once he had an idea, he stayed with it until it was finished, no matter how long it took. That was one of his major strengths." (Quote as I remember it this morning.)

In 1994 I had a TV show, started what I now call the IDEA Cafe, and wrote my little booklet on business startup (for free text file of the revised 2nd edition I'm working on see, and a couple of years later I started the first Franklin Circle here in Denver.

Amar Bhide (see below) confirmed my insights into startup. What he and I are doing goes against the conventional wisdom, what is taught at most business schools and the ideology that is propogated by the Small Business Administration.

I keep asking myself, what do I do now with the time I have left? Lesson of the Einstein special last night is that I should put that question out of my mind. Better question, what can I do today to help the grassroots capitalist? What can I do to help people see and seize opportunity?

I see the opportunity of doing this work. God grant me the grace to stay with it.

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