North High here in Denver is really getting behind the Optimist's An Evening With Ben Franklin & Presidential Straw Poll. This is going to be a fun evening! To get the details and RSVP, click the link to the left.
A fund is being started to give tickets to North High students, Fred Pasternack has contributed $100, let me know if you'd be willing to chip in. Also, let me know if you'd be willing to be a volunteer ticket seller, usher, or vote counter. Email Thanks!
What would Ben Franklin think about the Colorado Caucus?
Here's Ben Franklin's statement via Chris Lowell who will appear next Thursday (Jan 17) at North High School (details and RSVP at Event Code BenFranklin):
In the latter part of my life, I wrote somewhat wistfully of how wonderful it would be to return to America two or three hundred years hence to see how our Republic was faring. Remarkably, I WILL be able to make such a journey through time, thanks to the Optimists, North High School, and Citizens John Wren and Christopher Lowell, who will bring me to your city of Denver on my birthday, the Thursday, January 17 at North High School.
When, after over four months of strenuous effort, we delegates emerged from our Constitutional debates in Philadelphia that hot summer of 1787, the wife of the Philadelphia mayor greeted me with the not unexpected question "What kind of government have you got for us, Dr. Franklin?"
I answered, "A Republic, madam, if you can keep it."
And only by the vigorous debate of issues and candidates for public service, only with the participation of us all can we truly keep the Republic we Founding Fathers so carefully crafted.
It is not for the elite but for all citizens to hold our public officials accountable to us and to continue to make government a servant of the
people and not the other way around.
The full flowering of this Republic of ours is your Colorado Caucus, which will once again be celebrated February 5. Every two years citizens of Colorado have this opportunity for a state-wide civics lesson, and I applaud that effort to reach out to and educate new citizens.
Political parties were unknown in our times, but I understand that now political parties choose delegates representing your views as you prepare to vote in presidential elections. And, more importantly, you, in keeping with the ideals we embodied so long ago, each and every one of you, has a voice in choosing these delegates through your Colorado Caucus.
Even today, your government is not formed by an elite, but by you, the ordinary citizens of the land. I applaud this! After all, I was the son of a simple candle and soap maker, and always proud to be of the "middling class," the "leather aprons" as we called ourselves.
It was to throw out the concept of elite government and to place our faith in the people's will that we created our Republic during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Now, 200+ years later, you still have the opportunity, through your Colorado Caucus, to continue to create a government responsive to your needs and wishes. Few nations give their citizens this trust and this power! I urge you to take advantage of this and become engaged in the exciting process of charting your own destiny and your children's future!
I am eager to see you all in Denver and delighted to discuss my life and times with you good citizens and take your questions later this week. Until then, I remain, your faithful, and obedient servant,
Ben Franklin
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