Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Eating breakfast at Pete's this morning I read this article:

Preparing kids for life-- Groups working to make sure kids ready for life after they graduate. http://www.thedenverdailynews.com/article.php?aID=4727

This article made it sound like they were accepting comments on a proposal to make changes in public education in Colorado. I'd just told my Optimist Club last week if we didn't start doing something that had a bigger impact with kids, I was quitting. So I felt compelled to attend.

No comments being collected now, that's all over. 6,000 were invited (I wasn't were you?) and about 1,000 showed up to voice their opinion at hearings held around the state.

Now every one was gathered to celebrate what a good job had been done to define what it means to have a good education.

It means that no remedial education has to be done when the graduate shows up for work or college.


Did we really need this study to figure that out?

More about it at http://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/cap4k/cap4k.html

I need the class about how to stay focused on my own work...

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