Whether it's a new project, a new campaign, career, or new business, you can get help each Friday afternoon at the Denver IDEA Cafe.
The IDEA Cafe is designed to be helpful to the person who is not sure what they are going to do Monday morning. If that's you this Friday, please join us.
Also join us if you have startup experience you'd be willing to share. But please, don't come to just network. For more information and to RSVP see: http://meetup.com/Denver-IDEA-Cafe The meeting is free and open to everyone, we just ask that you bring your brain for the brainstorming.
See our meeting announcements in the Denver Daily News.
Want help selling your artwork? Join us for the Online IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop, each Friday afternoon. Check it out: https://Meetup.com/Small-Biz-Chamber Questions? Want help now? Call (303)861-1447