Sunday, July 17, 2011

Internet expert and entrepreneur Dave Taylor (photo to left) will be with us at the Small Business Chamber's Denver IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop next Friday.

Facebook has "New" groups, which put a hitch in the git along for creating a Facebook announcement, 800 members have disappeared. I wonder if they will give me a refund for the members who joined as a result of a Facebook ad.

But the "New" group is now up, you can get a link to the event on or if you'd prefer RSVP on our Meetup site, see

I'll be talking about Facebook and a couple of new books on the Small Business Chamber's new Tuesday Morning Show, it's just 15-minutes and you can watch it live or watch the recorded version anytime over the next week or show. See the links at

We need one more person for the new Franklin Circle that's forming for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and creative managers, let me know if you might be interested and I'll share the details. Also let me know if you'd like my help forming a Franklin Circle with your friends. Call me, or join us any Friday right after the Denver IDEA Cafe for the free Franklin Circle information session.

How may I be of service to you?

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