Tuesday, April 26, 2022

New! Post suggestion for topic here before 6:30 p.m. meeting.

Just had this idea, let's try it today, ok?

As I hope you know, Online Socrates Cafe meetings are held each Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and 1st Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Denver Mountain Daylight Time. More info about the Socrates Cafe Society and a link to the platform for that session is posted for those who rsvp. 

At the start of each meeting we choose a topic, then we share our own ideas and ask each other questions. 

Here's the new idea: anyone who would like to suggest a topic after they rsvp will be encouraged to do so, perhaps right here as a comment. We will discuss this at tonight's meeting, I hope you'll join us. And if you have a topic you'd like to suggest, please go ahead and post it here now. 

Landline (303)861-1447, leave message.
Cell (720)495-4949, no messages.

ps Please rsvp yes or no each week, ok?  


  1. Progressive/Conservative?

  2. DO YOU AGREE? "If you are not a progressive when you are young you have no heart; if you are not eventually a conservative as you grow older you have no head." Agree? Disagree? Why or why not?

  3. Only my two suggestions? We will try this one or two more weeks. If it's just me posting, we'll try something else. Any ideas about a good way to choose topics if this doesn't work?


Your comment or question here is very welcome! Or to keep it confidential email me at John@JohnWren.com After you post or send it is very helpful if you then call me at (303)861-1447 to make sure I take a look at your comment here or your email. Thanks!