Monday, March 27, 2023, "Help us strengthen the voice of the common person.": About to start a short story starter on Chat GPT, "Help us strengthen the voice of the common person.": About to start a short story starter on Chat GPT:  My story is about a boy born in Amarillo Texas in 1947, his mom and dad very similar to mine, Martha Jane Wren, voted "School Queen&qu...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Mary and Jack grew up in Amarillo, Texas during WWII. Mary's father, Lee, was an alcoholic car salesman with many ideas but little follow-through. He passed away under mysterious circumstances just before Mary's son Michael was born. Despite the challenges of her upbringing, Mary was determined to succeed.

    "Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word," wrote James Michener in his book about Texas. Mary and Jack were no exception to this Texas spirit. They dreamed of starting their own business and, with the help of Mary's small inheritance, they opened a wholesale store in Amarillo. They were one of the first to put non-food items into grocery stores, and their business grew quickly.

    The couple moved twice in Amarillo and twice in Loveland, Colorado before their second son was in kindergarten and Michael was in 3rd grade. The growth of their business and income triggered eight moves in total. They became pioneers in their field and were respected by their peers for their innovative ideas and dedication to customer service.

    "Colorado's canyons and mesas were formed by the same slow and steady forces that raised the Rocky Mountains, millions of years ago," wrote James Michener in his book Centennial about Colorado. Mary and Jack's store became a symbol of hope and renewal in a post-war world. They were able to provide quality products and services to their customers, and they never lost sight of the importance of family.

    Through hard work and perseverance, Mary and Jack built a successful business and a beautiful life together. Their story is a reminder that, no matter how challenging life can be, with determination and a Texas-sized spirit, anything is possible.


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