Sunday, August 22, 2004

Seth Godin (author of "Unleashing the Ideavirsus" and many other fine marketing books) has started a website called "Change This". It's not a pulishing company, but rather is a vehicle for distributing what Seth calls "Manifestos". These are thought-provoking documents that address issues ranging from marketing to politics to computer programming.
If you have a moment, review my own proposal ("2nd Edition, Daring Mighty Things" at If you like it, please vote for it! The more votes my idea gets, the more likely it will be distributed as a ChangeThis Manifesto. Thanks!
And while you're at the website, the Art of the Start Manifesto (by Guy Kawasaki) is quite excellent. I agree with what he says about the early startup process, but while he focuses of the "Think Big" approach to startup, usually with the help of venture capitalists (like himself), my focus is on the "Think Small" approach, the "ready, fire, aim" that most entrepreneurs use to get to their first sale. The venture capital apporach preached by the Small Business Administration, SCORE, and others usually leads to paralysis from analysis; the Daring Mighty Things "think small" approach helps avoid that problem, while keeping risk to a minimum.

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