Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mary and I attended the Front Range Bloggers meeting last night at the Uptown Tavern on 17th here in Denver.

The 30 or so of us who attended shared what we are doing online, exchanged information about host sites, software, and who was actually making money. The pending legislation about charging Colorado sales tax for online transactions was also discussed. I expect details will be posted today on the above Facebook group, given the nature of the group!

It was a bit paradoxical to be sitting together face-to-face talking about how to connect with people online. I distributed a printout of the front page of this site and to the group and asked for their feedback.

We joined the Bloggers after attending John Henderson's Active Minds lecture about Benjamin Franklin (click here for notes). It was a very lively hour, I was sorry we couldn't stay for the discussion.

John said very little about Franklin's Junto group, which was too bad since it played such a vitally important part in Franklin's life. Franklin's personal exercise of following a set of 13 virtues was said to be a Junto-wide activity, which wasn't the case.

John let me put out Franklin Circle business cards along side his handouts, it will be interesting to see if any of those who attended contact me.

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