Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This is a media release I just sent out about the new, free, open
Franklin Circle. Let me know if you want a copy of the attachement
"What is a Franklin Circle." Here's the release:

February 16, 2010

Contact: John Wren cell (720)495-4949

Powerful adult self-directed learning technique may have been Ben Franklin’s best invention, says John Wren.

DENVER— Franklin Circle Denver Open Group, each Friday, 4 p.m. at Panera Bread, 1330 Grant, Denver. Free. Optional RSVP at http://meetup.com/CommunityRoomCollege or contact John Wren at (303)861-1447 or John@JohnWren.com.

“Everyone who wants to learn more is invited to join us,” said entrepreneur and long-time community John Wren announcing the free, open Franklin Circle that now meets each Friday.

“Those attending are given enough information to start a new Franklin Circle or to use the format in another existing group such as a service club or chamber of commerce. If anyone wants to start a group for free for their friends and neighbors, I’ll help them for free. Or if they want to start a tuition-based group I’ll provide help beyond this open meeting for a fee that is based on the help they want from me,” said Wren.

In 1727, young Ben Franklin formed a group in Philadelphia for “the purpose of mutual improvement” as Franklin puts it in his famous Autobiography. In 1996, inspired by Franklin, activist John Wren formed the first Franklin Circle here in Denver, and he’s now actively working to spread the concept.

“I’ve conducted startup workshops and done consulting with small businesses for years,” said Wren. “This experience has convinced me there is a real need for these peer advisory groups for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and creative managers. The intention is to help people to start and grow their own business, and to help them become better citizens through active participation in local government and politics. In my opinion, the powerful format for these meetings may have been Ben Franklin’s best invention.”

Wren has studied adult education at Regis University and has had numerous teaching assignments, ranging from Arapahoe Community College and Casper Junior College to the American Management Association and Colorado Free University.

Each group is autonomous, and free help to start a new group is also available online at http://www.wikihow.com/Start-a-Franklin-Circle-Adult-Self-Directed-Learning-Group

For more information contact John Wren at John@JohnWren.com or (303)861-1447.

Attachment: What is a Franklin Circle?

John S. Wren, MBA http://www.JohnWren.com is the founder of the Denver Socrates Café, Denver IDEA Café and Franklin Circles. He is a business consultant and adult educator. He is the new Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Inventors Association http://rminventor.org. He is also conducting a free online Action Class in Practical Politics to help newcomers to Colorado politics to learn about the Colorado Caucuses http://www.COCaucus.org.

1 comment:

  1. pretty cool. sounds like a mastermind group with a learning focus. or a minion


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