Sunday, December 27, 2015

Dialog or dialectic?

I listened to "Plato, Socrates, and the Dialogues" by The Great Courses. Try #Audible and get it free: 

Have you listened? Let's discuss, ok? Call me at (303)861-1447 or if you're in Colorado join some Saturday evening for Socrates Cafe at University of Denver, more about it and parking map at 

Lock organized crime bosses up!

The Big Short should trigger justice against organized crime.

Just saw The Big Short, great acting, great writing and film making, great movie, but take a barf bag, the behavior at top of our economic system will sicken you. 

There is no statute of limitation on fraud and organized crime. 100s should be in jail right now, top management at investment banks, bank, mortgage companies, and rating agencies, Ben Bernancke and maybe Pres Geo Bush, US Senators who knew what was happening and did nothing, some even participated to great personal benefit. 

This movie may finally bring justice. Go see it. 

Then do what you can, at a minimum get your representatives, candidates you support, political party leaders, college presidents and professors, and editors of magazines and newspapers you subscribe to immediately, before the end of the year,  go on record to take all wealth away from those who precipitated the 2008 financial meltdown. Fraud of this magnitude cannot continue to be ignored.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Cry Room

Would you help me?

It's hard for me to stay focused on the day and what's in front of me right now in the final days before the start of a new year.

Is that a problem for you?

I've just about decided to put lots more energy into using either my Google+ Page or my SBCC Blog for helping foster more real help for startups.

Do I need both?

Doubles the amount of work, does it add anything at all to the experience for you, the reader?

Here are the ways I stay connected right now:

For Small Business Chamber of Commerce of Colorado, Inc.:
Linked In:
Twitter: @IDEACafe

For Online Education:

And a dozen or so others. You get the idea.

I need to either boil this down, or start viewing myself as a publishing company. Either way, I need help. Your ideas right now as a comment right here, an email to or a call to me at (303)861-1447 would be very much appreciated.

Someone will undoubtably ask, because it's what we are all trained to ask, "what are you trying to do?"  Of course all of us are much better at asking this question than we are at answering it ourself.

But here goes. What do I want?

I want to start a successful business, which to me means it does Good Work:

1) makes a good living for everyone concerned with it, employees, vendors, investors, too;

2) provides a necessary and useful product or service that delights our customers; and

3) is an opportunity for learning and growth for all of us.

The purpose I've had of starting this successful business for the last 20 or so years is to strengthen the grassroots, the voice of the common person, in business and politics.

What a waste of time. I almost delete this. No one will answer my question. Almost no one will read it. But no, I'll keep it up. Can always delete it later. Sorry to have wasted your time.

Late for Mass... "Speak Lord, your servant is listening."

Friday, December 18, 2015

Startup Show-- Watch me start. Finally!

Delayed start at Noon rather than 10 a.m. Sorry!

Today, a very special (at least to me) edition of the Startup Show.

I'm going to share what's ahead between now and the 2016 elections with my various educational activities for Colorado Voters: Grassroots Rules and Colorado Caucus News Facebook Page.

In a way, today is a rough draft of what I hope to share with you this time next week on our Christmas Morning Show, it will be pre-recorded and it will air at 10 a.m. Dec 25, or any time after then via link here for the recorded version with comments from those who watched live, after which comments will be shut off.

Anyone who is willing to take just a minute to make a comment about today's show is very much encouraged to do so. Your comments here at the botton of this page will very much influence what we do with next weeks show. More about this from me here now:

Thanks for watching, and I very much look forward to your feed back by your comment at the bottom of this post of mine or call me at (303)861-1447 and leave a complete voice mail, it's confidential, I'm the only one with the code to the voice mail box, and take as long as you like.

The show will start at 10 a.m. Mountain time today (12/18), before the show you'll see the live feed from my home studio (kitchen.) Any time after you can watch via recording at this same link. Please click on the above link now. Thanks again, and PLEASE share with your friends, ok?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Life's short, finish now.

Yellow pad always near.
Think, write, do. Then check. Re-check.
Measure twice, cut once.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Share a startup story?

Share your startup story with us!

On our Facebook Page first, then "Like" and "Share."

Written startup story? Submit for publication, see tab on

We may invite you to then be our guest at IDEA Cafe
or on the SBCC Startup Show.

Questions? Call me at (303)861-1447

Friday, December 11, 2015

We are trying something new...

 Google ad for SBCC, as we start integrating into IDEA Cafe "new" Method for Spiritual Startup and Growth +AGDM+ . Spending $4 per day, $120 per month, but ad can change and we can stop early if it's just not working.

 What is your guess? Will this be a hit or a miss? (Hit is lots of new visitors to and then increased attendance at our free meetings and Startup Show.)  

Your feedback would be very much appreciated, either here as a comment or join us this afternoon (Fri, 12/11) for Denver IDEA Cafe or tomorrow at Socrates Cafe @ DU. More about meetings at or call me (303)861-1447


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. +Recover+Start+Grow+Flourish+ : Do Good Work? Want to?

Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. +Recover+Start+Grow+Flourish+ : Do Good Work? Want to?: Free meetings now, Christmas, January, check them out, click on above link.

Starting? Growing? Flourishing?

Join us as we share experience and ideas about recovery, faith, business startup and growth this Friday for our Denver IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop.

Each Friday, 2 pm, Panera, 13th & Grant, Denver. Free. Now part of Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. More about SBCC and our SBCC Spiritual Startup Method at at or call (303)861-1447  +++AGDM+++. PLEASE SHARE

Friday, December 04, 2015

Join us!

Special Edition of the Startup Show
How the SBCC can help you now!

Joining is free. Just post an introduction of yourself and/or your business on our Facebook Page click here, then Like and Share the page.


Due to a technical problem today's edition of the Startup Show is cancelled.

You can watch previous shows on our SBCC YouTube Channel, click here.

We'll be back next week. To be on it or some other future show as a guest,
please post an introduction of you/ your business on our SBCC Facebook Page, click here
then call me at (303)861-1447.

Life's short, start now!

John Wren

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Startup Show live at 10 a.m. each Friday.


Watch live at 10 a.m. Mountain Time or any time after 10:30 a.m. via recording on or Google+ Hangouts Live.

TO BE ON THE SHOW introduce you/your biz on

Self-Directed Learning for Teachers and Organizers.

Finally, after a 2 month delay! Will you join us?

New online group and new Denver group now forming.

The purpose of both new groups: Self-Directed Learning for
Teachers and Organizers. Initial focus: Civic Education.

Watch this 20 minute video, then let me know if you
want to be involved.

John Wren