Twitter test yesterday, “Live 5” at 10 am Denver time will be back to our Facebook home today. I’m about to post this on, your comments there and/or here much appreciated. Questions? Want to be guest on show? Call me, John Wren, (303)861-1447 “Visit Group” to introduce yourself and what you do.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
“Live 5” review of Scott Adams Says, “Why use a consultant.”
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Me on Scott Adams
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
After Scott, 10 am M-F
Tuesday, December 01, 2020
Ignatius of Loyola film topic tonight, Tuesday, May 1
For all students, faculty, and applicants. You will be sent a link at 12noon Denver time today. Questions? Call (303)861-1447
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Monday, November 02, 2020
Politics With Sober Neighbors-- Strategic Intention DRAFT 11/15/2020
"After elected serve all." (In Latin?) Pledge requested on campaign materials from all candidates before primary and general elections.
A series of events. To be financed by the sale of "Sober Neighborhood" Memberships, Small Business Consulting, and Neighborhood Talent Shows With State and National Finals. Launch with Nov 3 Media Release.
- Vote+ Quantum Voting. "Don't just settle."
- Bury the Hatchet-- a Sober Neighbors Meetup in Every Neighborhood, endorsed by a top Dem and top GOP leader.
- Goal: A healthy small group in every neighborhood.
- Monthly Alarm Clock Party in Each Neighborhood.
- Weekly Leadership Luncheon Online-- SCORE Co-host.
- Daily Startup Show Monday thru Friday.
- Quarterly Advisory/ Board Meetings.
Go/No Go or Pivot. Finalized at 1st Advisory Meeting to be led by top Dem/GOP leaders from #2 above, held January 20 in Washington DC:
- Book with an endorsement of National Chairs of Dems & GOP.
- A 50 States in 50 Weeks Book Tour, with State Finals for Neighborhood Talent Shows and Symphony/Theatre Showcase.
- National Neighborhood Talent Show Finals and Mock Elections, 2021 and 2023.
- Bury the Hatchet National Rally With Both Political Candidates, October 23, 2024 (Sir Christopher Wren's birthday.)
- References:
- American Management Association, Action Guide to Practical Politics.
- Why Iowa?
- Daring Mighty Things, Amazon.
- Just Start, Harvard Business Review Publishing.
- Why We Need the Electoral College, Tara Ross
- On the Side of Angels-An Appreciation of Parties, Nancy Rosenblum
- Good Neighbors-The Democracy of Everyday Life in America, NR
- Rules for Radicals, Saul D. Alinsky
- Adapt-Why Success Always Starts with Failure, Tim Harford.
Sunday, November 01, 2020
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Friday, October 30, 2020
1959 Some Like it Hot.
Once upon a time in Miami Florida…
This is a photo of my brother Randy, myself, and two other member’s kids at a national business meeting, the Toiletry Merchandisers Association (TMA) annual meeting where we went for a week with our parents.
Our parents left us at the movie theater to see "Some Like It Hot" which had just come out.
The next time I went to Miami and a business convention was nearly 20 years later with my now ex-wife who insisted on going with me in spite of being in the last month before our daughter Regan was born. The thought of not going never entered my mind, which amazes me now.
The kid on the left became president of the small college in Iowa I attended for two years before returning to Denver to marry and work in Pop’s business full time.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Too much screen time?
Stop doomscrolling on social media and read a book
— FORTUNE (@FortuneMagazine) October 26, 2020
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Ted Talk I mentioned in Socrates Cafe tonight...
Friday, October 23, 2020
Sunday, October 18, 2020
My 17th birthday, preparing to serve those who need and want my help.
Never startup alone!
It's Startup Week, it's only to late if you don't start NOW: 1) rsvp for the Business Peer Group Info Meeting (below); 2) Start, Join or Grow a Meetup; 3) Personal 1 to 1 meetings with a mentor. Check it out: #Meetup via @Meetup
— John S Wren (@JohnSWren) October 18, 2020
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
CDC Report: Deaths in Excess in Time of Corona Virus:
Best way to put Covid-19 deaths into perspective, in my opinion. How many more deaths than we expected?
Saturday, October 10, 2020
John S Wren, MBA+Personal Processing-- Robert Langs' Self-Analysis Made Simple
New! I work exclusively for members of Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Friday, October 09, 2020
IMPORTANT: Watch and Share. Electoral College.
Why we have the Electoral College and what we can each do about it.
Tuesday, October 06, 2020
Personal Processing-- Robert Langs' Self-Processing Made Simple.
Doing this seems to help me, so I want to share it with you. I’m not a medical or religious professional. This is my experience: I hope this might help you, and I welcome your comments and any results you get from using this meditation. Send to:
John S.Wren
1881 Buchtel Blvd. #501
Denver, Colorado.80210
For more about the roots of what I now call Personal PrOcessing see: Robert Langs, Empowered Psychotherapy—Teaching Self Processing; The Daydream Workbook; and Fundamentals of Adaptive Psychotherapy and Counseling.I’ve also found helpful Richard Rohr, Breathing Underwater. James Martin, Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything.UK Jesuits’ daily mediations, and the Jesuits at Jesuit Retreat House, Sedalia, CO.
EMERGENCY? CALL 911. Not to be used without first talking about Personal Processing with a therapist, spiritual director, or friend you like and trust, someone who knows you well.
This is a brief introduction to a technique, a way of meditating, developed by a very well known and influential psychotherapist, the late Dr. Robert Langs, MD. What Dr. Langs called “self-analysis” and later “self-processing” and that we are now calling Personal PrOcessing, is a way to access (Observe) your HP, what Langs called “your deep unconscious wisdom system.” It could be called self-directed psychotherapy.
Personal Processing is used, in the context of: (1) your 11th step (for more about the12-steps see; and (2) the algorithm very widely used in the military and business, the OODA Loop:
According to John Boyd, decision-making occurs in a recurring cycle of Observe–Orient–Decide–Act.
An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that can process this cycle quickly, observing and reacting to unfolding events more rapidly than an opponent, can thereby "get inside" the opponent's decision cycle and gain the advantage. As John Boyd explained:
“The second O, Orient—is the repository of our genetic heritage, cultural tradition, and previous experiences—is the most important part of the O-O-D-A loop since it shapes the way we observe, the way we decide, the way we act.”
Adapted from Wikipedia article,
There are many types of psychotherapy, each with its own approach. The type of psychotherapy that's right for you depends on your individual situation. Psychotherapy is also known as talk therapy, counseling, psychosocial therapy or, simply, therapy. (Note: some call it “care of the soul.”)
Psychotherapy can be helpful in treating most mental health problems, including:
- Anxiety disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), phobias,
- panic disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Mood disorders, such as depression or bipolar disorder
- Addictions, such as alcoholism, drug dependence or compulsive gambling
- Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia
- Personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder or dependent personality disorder
Not everyone who benefits from psychotherapy is diagnosed with a mental illness. Psychotherapy can help with a number of life's stresses and conflicts that can affect anyone. For example, it may help you:
- Resolve conflicts with your partner or someone else in your life
- Relieve anxiety or stress due to work or other situations
- Cope with major life changes, such as divorce, the death of a loved one or the loss of a job
- Learn to manage unhealthy reactions, such as road rage or passive-aggressive behavior
- Come to terms with an ongoing or serious physical health problem, such as diabetes, cancer or long-term chronic pain
- Recover from physical or sexual abuse or witnessing violence
- Cope with sexual problems, whether due to a physical or psychological cause
- Sleep better, if you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep (insomnia)
In some cases, psychotherapy can be as effective as medications, such as antidepressants. However, depending on your specific situation, psychotherapy alone may not be enough to ease the symptoms of a mental health condition. You may also need medications or other treatments.
Generally, there's little risk in having psychotherapy. But because it can explore painful feelings and experiences, you may feel emotionally uncomfortable at times. However, any risks are minimized by working with a skilled therapist who can match the type and intensity of therapy with your needs.
Adapted from Mayo Clinic, see
Robert Joseph Langs M.D. (June 30, 1928 – November 8, 2014) was a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst, the author, co-author, and editor of more than forty books on psychotherapy and human psychology.
Over the course of more than fifty years, Robert Langs developed a revised version of psychotherapy, currently known as the “adaptive paradigm”…
… By working through the evolutionary and communicative problems, he came to believe that the evolutionary selection processes favors minds which are prone to death denial, since the alternative appeared to be facing potentially overwhelming anxiety over the inevitability of death…
… Langs’ own model of the mind accommodates elements from each of Freud's models while articulating something new. Langs distinguishes between the "unconscious" (or "superficial unconscious") and the "deep unconscious".
The "unconscious" or "superficial unconscious" mind—the descriptor "superficial" denoting a contrast with "deep," not a value judgment—is a part of a complex conscious mental system with its own laws of functioning and its own form of communication. The latter, according to Langs, communicates in terms of encoded derivatives, in part because straightforward conscious communication about death-related traumas would be too difficult to bear.
Hence the work of the adaptive therapist includes learning to hear the encoded derivative communications both to discover the sources of psychic conflict which arise from the diverse points of view the conscious and unconscious systems have on life events, with a specific focus on death anxiety and death-related traumas and, second, to obtain encoded validation of therapeutic interventions.…
Langs wrote a number of popular texts and books for clients rather than for therapists. Among these are popular texts on dreams and on unconscious communication, a workbook designed to measure the value of one's psychotherapist, and a book on doing self-analysis. Langs also published books about his self-processing classes.
The above adapted from Wikipedia article: “Robert Langs.”
Pocket Guide for
Personal Processing.
1. Bring to mind an emotional narrative.
*Your dream, daydream or story.
*A fairy tale, movie, book or news item.
2. Repeat the narrative, as themes (topics in story) and triggers (memory of emotional events) to emerge.
3. Associate a strong theme with a strong trigger
4. Allow a surprising insight to emerge
5, Validate the surprising insight:
a. Make up a story/ day dream.
b. If joyful, take as validation of insight.
c. If negative (desolation), repeat process.
6. Pivot: Re-O(rient), new OODA Loop.
Questions? Call (303)861-1447
John Wren by appointment only.
Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 1881 Buchtel Blvd. #501, Denver, CO 80210 (303)861-1447
Personal Psycodynamic Processing:
Dr. Robert Langs’ “Decoding Your Daydreams” Made Simple.
Monday, October 05, 2020
"What is a Franklin Circle" handout for talk.
Associated we can accomplish more than in isolation. Ben Franklin
What is a Franklin Circle?
Experience keeps a dear School, but Fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that. We may give Advice, but we cannot give Conduct. They that won’t be counseled can’t be helped. If you will not hear Reason, She’ll surely rap your Knuckles. Poor Richard.
In 1727 Benjamin Franklin formed his more Ingenious Acquaintances into a club for mutual improvement, which they eventually called the Junto. Each meeting had two parts: 1) In rotation, each member was to, as Franklin said, “produce and read an Essay of his own writing on any subject he pleased.” 2) In addition, the group addressed Franklin’s 24 Standing Queries or Questions for Discussion, which we have edited down to 7. Franklin’s original Junto Group met each week for 35 years, and Franklin called it “the best school,” it having helped him and the others learn to become successful business people and civic leaders. Training Magazine has cited Franklin’s Junto as an example of the best principles of modern adult education. The Franklin Circle may be Franklin’s best invention!
Franklin Circle Model Meeting Format (to be modified by groups.)
Individuals Associated can do more for society, and themselves, than they can in isolation. Benjamin Franklin
1. This model meeting is for people who might like the benefits of a Franklin Circle..
2. Membership is usually limited to 12 people interested in similar learning topics. Split up today?
3. Proceedings of the group are intended to be confidential but no guarantee, of course.
4. All those in attendance subscribe to the Questions for Members, (these modified by each group.)
5. Discussion will center on the Standing Queries, (again, modified) below. Time kept by the chair.
6. The member recognized by chair will control the floor.
7. One of those attending will read a paper or make a presentation at each meeting (this for today.).
8. Groups take no position on outside issues or candidates. We seek to inform, not reform.
9. Impolite behavior or violation of these guidelines shall be fined by a simple majority vote
10. Such money may be used to help celebrate Ben Franklin’s birthday each January 17.
Questions for Members (Answered in unison at the beginning of each meeting. Modified by each group)
1. Do you have any unresolved differences with any member present. NO
2. Do you believe any person should be harmed because of his opinions or religion? NO
3. Do you love truth for truth’s sake? Will you endeavor to find it yourself and communicate it? YES
Standing Queries (Answered by each member in turn. Modified by each group.)
1. Have you read over these queries this morning to consider what you might have to offer the group?
2. Have you read, heard, or seen anything that might be helpful if communicated?
3. Who has failed or done well, and what were the causes?
4. Can you think of anything at present in which members may be serviceable?
5. Can the group or anyone in it do anything to be of assistance to you?
6. Is there any matter of opinion, of justice, or injustice, which you would have discussed at this time?
7. Do you see anything amiss in the present proceedings of our group which might be amended?
Training Magazine, “What We Know for Sure About Adult Learning,” June, 1995.
Malcolm Knowles, Self-Directed Learning—A Guide for Learners & Teachers, Josey-Bass, 1975.
Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography, Yale University Press, 1964. (Best annotated edition.)
H.W. Brands, The First American—The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin, Doubleday, 2000.
Ronald K Esplin, MA Thesis, Franklin’s Colleagues and Their Club: the Junto.. Uof VA, 1979.
A celebration of Ben Franklin’s birthday is planned for each January 17. How may we help you? If you’d like this free presentation repeated for your organization, if you want help to start a new group with your more Ingenious Acquaintances, or if you’d like to join one of our SBCC Franklin Circles contact us. (720)495-4949.
Today’s presentation “How to revive your club, association or chamber,” is a free service of your
Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Questions? (303)861-1447
Saturday, October 03, 2020
Why you feel what you feel | Alan Watkins | TEDxOxford
Thursday, October 01, 2020
Quantum Voting for Elections When You Can't Decide:
Monday, September 28, 2020
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
CDC Excess Death Chart
Sunday, September 20, 2020
My letter to the editor, about to be sent:
Saturday, September 19, 2020
History of USA Wildfire Policy Since 1905.
Why no mention of very poor policy decisions that have created this problem, climate change aside? Read this abstract,...
Posted by John S Wren on Saturday, September 19, 2020
US has wrong wildfire policy since 1905.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Thursday, September 10, 2020
This is, "New! Vote+ Quantum Voting for Elections When You C...
Tuesday, September 08, 2020
In this election, don't just settle.
New! Vote+
Quantum Voting for Elections When You Can’t Decide.
Quantum computers are more powerful because bits aren’t just one or zero. With Vote+, a new way to vote, you aren’t forced to pick just one candidate or another.
Whether you like both candidates so much you can’t decide, or whether you dislike both candidates so much you can’t decide, you don’t have to just settle for one or the other, and you can send a big message.
Here’s how it works:
- You get your paper ballot and vote in the normal way.
- In the race you want to use Vote+ because in your eyes the candidates are either equally good or bad vote for both on the paper ballot or vote for neither.
- Both blank means you dislike both and can’t vote for either.
- Both marked means you like both/all candidates equally.
The benefit of Vote+
- It encourages more people to vote since they have a way of expressing their faith in our country and believe that both/all candidates will do a good job.
- It also encourages more people to vote because it gives them a way to express their extreme displeasure with both/all candidates.
Only works with paper ballots.
Monday, September 07, 2020
What do you want? How do you start your day?
Sunday, September 06, 2020
New Online eFranklin Circles now forming:
Associated we can accomplish more than in isolation. Ben Franklin
What is a Franklin Circle?
Experience keeps a dear School, but Fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that. We may give Advice, but we cannot give Conduct. They that won’t be counseled can’t be helped. If you will not hear Reason, She’ll surely rap your Knuckles. Poor Richard.
In 1727 Benjamin Franklin formed his more Ingenious Acquaintances into a club for mutual improvement, which they eventually called the Junto. Each meeting had two parts: 1) In rotation, each member was to, as Franklin said, “produce and read an essay of his own writing on any subject he pleased.” 2) In addition, the group addressed Franklin’s 24 Standing Queries or Questions for Discussion, which we have edited down to 7. Franklin’s original Junto Group met each week for 35 years, and Franklin called it “the best school,” it having helped him and the others learn to become successful business people and civic leaders. Training Magazine has cited Franklin’s Junto as an example of the best principles of modern adult education. The Franklin Circle may be Franklin’s best invention!
Franklin Circle Model Meeting Format (to be modified by each new group.)
Individuals Associated can do more for society, and themselves, than they can in isolation. Benjamin Franklin
10 Guidelines:
1. This model meeting is for people who might like the benefits of a Franklin Circle..
2. Membership is usually limited to 12 people interested in similar learning topics.