Thursday, June 01, 2023

John Chats With ChatGPT About "Let Go, Let God." Your thoughts? #YYYRTN

Denver, 6-1-2023__JSW: Hi CG, please write our first draft of an essay on the topic of "Let go and let God."  Who first said this? Who has written about it, pro and con. After discussion of the history of the term and people who have used it or something like it and then gone on to success, and also those who followed something blindly because of it and was met with disaster... 

conclude with it being an example of the problem with fundamentalism of any kind. Life is complicated. The next right thing to do is always hard, there are no shortcuts, and there are a lot of dead ends. End with a quote of someone overhead saying at a 12-step meeting to a new comer: "Some people have a hard time with our spiritual program because sometimes the person on the right of you is saying 'hang in there,"' and the person on the left of you is saying 'let go' and they are both right. This is a spiritual program.


Title: Let Go and Let God: The Perils and Promises of Surrender


The phrase "Let go and let God" has been ingrained in the fabric of various spiritual teachings, often serving as a guiding principle for individuals seeking solace and direction in their lives. While the origin of this saying remains uncertain, it has been widely adopted and referenced by numerous religious and spiritual leaders. This essay delves into the history of the term, explores individuals who have embraced or criticized it, and ultimately argues that it highlights the inherent dangers of fundamentalism in any belief system.

Historical Context and Adoption:

The exact origins of the phrase "Let go and let God" are difficult to trace, as its roots are deeply embedded in religious and spiritual teachings throughout history. It echoes the sentiment of surrendering personal control and entrusting one's fate to a higher power. While no single individual can be definitively credited with coining the phrase, it has been associated with various religious figures, including Saint Ignatius of Loyola and the early Christian mystics.

Proponents and Writings:

Numerous writers and thinkers have embraced the concept of "letting go" as a pathway to spiritual enlightenment. In Christian literature, authors like Thomas Merton and Richard Rohr have emphasized the importance of surrendering one's ego and allowing divine intervention to guide one's actions. Similarly, in Eastern philosophies, such as Taoism, the concept of Wu Wei promotes non-action and aligning oneself with the natural flow of the universe.

Critics and Catastrophes:

While the idea of surrendering control can be empowering and transformative for some, there have been instances where blind adherence to this principle has led to disastrous consequences. Extremist groups, both religious and non-religious, have manipulated the notion of "letting go" to exert control over individuals, promoting harmful ideologies and stifling critical thinking. The tragic events at Jonestown, where followers of Jim Jones blindly followed his commands, illustrate the potential dangers of surrendering rationality and personal agency.

Fundamentalism and the Complexities of Life:

The phrase "Let go and let God" encapsulates the essence of fundamentalism, wherein individuals adhere strictly to a set of beliefs without questioning or critically evaluating their validity. Life is a complex tapestry of challenges and choices, and embracing a simplistic worldview can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities for growth. The path to success and fulfillment requires active engagement, critical thinking, and the willingness to adapt and learn from one's experiences.


In conclusion, the saying "Let go and let God" reflects the inherent tension between surrendering control and actively participating in one's own life. While surrender can be liberating and transformative, it is crucial to exercise discernment and avoid blindly following any doctrine. Fundamentalism, whether religious or otherwise, restricts our ability to navigate life's complexities and stifles personal growth. As individuals, we must strive for a balanced approach that acknowledges the power of surrender while embracing the responsibility to make informed choices. In the words of an overheard remark at a 12-step meeting, "Some people have a hard time with our spiritual program because sometimes the person on the right of you is saying 'hang in there,' and the person on the left of you is saying 'let go,' and they are both right." Life is indeed a spiritual program that requires us to find the delicate balance between surrender and action.

JSW: Perfect. I'm going to use it as is via What do others think, I'll ask when I post it. Thanks Chat GPT


You're welcome! I'm glad you found the essay helpful, and it's great that you're planning to share it on I hope it sparks interesting discussions and thoughts among your audience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your post!

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    1. It's thanks to the Jesuits in Brittain.


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