Friday, June 09, 2023

Online Socrates Cafe or Other Small Group Meeting?

Online with John Wren. Call (303)861-1447

Platform for weekly meeting. What are the best ways to have a 90-minute online meeting over the Internet?


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When it comes to hosting a 90-minute online meeting over the internet, there are several platforms and strategies you can use to ensure a productive and engaging session. Here are some of the best ways to conduct such meetings:

  1. Video Conferencing Platforms: Use video conferencing tools that provide features like video and audio calls, screen sharing, and chat. Popular platforms include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Cisco Webex.
  2. Meeting Agenda: Prepare a clear agenda in advance and share it with all participants. This will help everyone stay focused and on track during the meeting.
  3. Time Management: Allocate specific time slots for each agenda item and ensure that the meeting stays within the scheduled timeframe. Designate a timekeeper or use timers to help manage time effectively.
  4. Engaging Presentations: Utilize visual aids such as slides, documents, or videos to enhance your presentations and keep participants engaged. Tools like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Prezi can be helpful for creating interactive presentations.
  5. Participant Engagement: Encourage active participation from attendees by involving them in discussions, asking for their input, or assigning specific roles or tasks. Consider using features like polls, breakout rooms, or chat functions to foster interaction.
  6. Breaks: Schedule short breaks during the meeting, especially for sessions longer than an hour. This gives participants a chance to stretch, refresh themselves, and maintain focus.
  7. Collaborative Tools: Utilize collaborative platforms such as Google Docs or Microsoft Office 365, where participants can work together on shared documents or projects in real-time.
  8. Recording and Transcripts: If appropriate and with participants' consent, record the meeting for reference or for those who couldn't attend. Some platforms offer automatic transcription features, making it easier to review discussions later.
  9. Clear Communication: Encourage participants to use clear and concise language, speak one at a time, and mute themselves when not speaking to avoid background noise and distractions.
  10. Follow-up and Action Items: Summarize key points discussed, decisions made, and action items assigned at the end of the meeting. Share this information with participants after the meeting and set deadlines for completion.

Remember that different platforms have unique features and capabilities, so choose the one that best suits your needs and ensure that all participants have the necessary tools and a stable internet connection for a smooth meeting experience.

You say that popular platforms include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Cisco Webex. Are there any less well known platforms that have used AI to make production less of a headache?


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Yes, there are indeed some lesser-known platforms that leverage AI technology to enhance the meeting production process. While they may not be as widely recognized as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, or Cisco Webex, they offer unique features to streamline meeting workflows. Here are a few examples:

  1. Aira: Aira is an AI-powered meeting assistant that uses voice recognition and natural language processing to generate meeting summaries, capture action items, and provide real-time transcription. It integrates with popular video conferencing platforms to enhance meeting productivity and collaboration.
  2. is an AI-powered meeting assistant that provides automatic transcription and voice search capabilities. It captures meeting highlights, creates searchable transcripts, and allows users to tag important moments during the meeting. It integrates with various video conferencing platforms.
  3. Krisp: Krisp is an AI-powered noise-cancellation tool that mutes background noise during online meetings. It uses machine learning algorithms to filter out unwanted sounds from both ends of the call, creating a more focused and distraction-free meeting environment.
  4. is an AI-based transcription service that provides real-time transcription and note-taking during meetings. It automatically generates searchable transcripts, highlights keywords, and allows users to collaborate and annotate the transcriptions.
  5. Wrappup: Wrappup is an AI-powered meeting productivity tool that uses speech recognition to take meeting notes, create summaries, and generate action items. It offers features like smart highlighting, tagging, and searchability to make it easier to review and share meeting content.

These platforms utilize AI technologies to automate tasks like transcription, note-taking, and noise cancellation, reducing the manual effort required and improving overall meeting productivity. While they may not be as widely known, they can provide valuable assistance in making meeting production less of a headache.

No one is using AI to replace or enhance the meeting facilitator? 


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While AI technology has made significant advancements in various fields, fully replacing a meeting facilitator with AI is not a common practice at the moment. AI is more commonly used to augment and assist meeting facilitators rather than completely replacing them. The role of a meeting facilitator often involves human skills such as active listening, adaptability, understanding group dynamics, and effectively managing discussions, which are challenging for AI to replicate fully.

However, there are AI-powered tools and features that can support meeting facilitators in their roles. These tools focus on enhancing meeting productivity, capturing important moments, providing transcription and note-taking services, and facilitating collaboration. They can help automate certain tasks and streamline the meeting process, allowing facilitators to concentrate on driving meaningful discussions and engaging participants.

For example, AI-powered meeting assistants can assist in capturing meeting minutes, generating summaries, transcribing conversations, or identifying action items. They can help facilitators keep track of important information and reduce the administrative burden. Furthermore, AI technology can be used to analyze meeting data, such as sentiment analysis or tracking participation levels, which can provide insights to facilitators for improving future meetings and ensuring inclusivity.

While AI has the potential to contribute to meeting facilitation, it is important to remember that human facilitation skills and decision-making are still essential for effective and engaging meetings. AI tools should be seen as supportive aids rather than complete replacements for human facilitators.

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1 comment:

  1. Have you produced and facilitated online meetings? What have you learned? Were these GPT suggestions helpful? Corrections, additions, or deletions you'd suggest base on your experience? Comments here very, very welcome, or leave a recorded message 24/7 (303)861-1447


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