Saturday, July 08, 2023

On Bullshit

Online with John Wren. Call (303)861-1447

"On Bullshit,” by the philosopher Harry G. Frankfurt, emeritus professor of philosophy at Princeton University. Published in 2005, "On Bullshit" explores the concept of bullshit and its role in human communication.

In the book, Frankfurt presents a philosophical analysis of bullshit and distinguishes it from lying. According to Frankfurt, the essence of bullshit lies in its disregard for truth and its indifference to the truth-value of the statements being made. While a liar intentionally makes false claims, a bullshitter is more concerned with advancing their own agenda, impressing others, or creating a certain perception, regardless of whether their claims are true or false.

Frankfurt argues that the bullshitter is someone who is primarily focused on persuading or manipulating others, often by using language that appears impressive or authoritative, but without a genuine concern for the accuracy or sincerity of their statements. Bullshitters engage in a form of communication that is devoid of genuine meaning or substance, often relying on vague, exaggerated, or empty rhetoric.

Frankfurt also examines the cultural and societal factors that contribute to the prevalence of bullshit, noting that it has become a pervasive feature of our public discourse, politics, advertising, and other aspects of contemporary life. He suggests that the acceptance and tolerance of bullshit can erode our ability to discern truth from falsehood, and undermine the integrity of meaningful communication.

Overall, "On Bullshit" offers a philosophical exploration of the nature of bullshit and its implications for human communication and truth. It seeks to shed light on the phenomenon of bullshit and encourage readers to be more critical and discerning consumers of information.

For more see the webpage for the book at Princeton University Press:

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