Thursday, January 17, 2019

New USA Ring of Fame Announced.

Small Business 
Chamber of Commerce, Inc
Working to strengthen the grassroots.
1881 Buchtel Blvd. #501, Denver, CO 80210  (303)861-1447

Contact: John Wren cell (720)495-4949

January 17, 2019

1st USA Ring of Fame Inductees in 2020 Will Be Martin Luther King, Ben Franklin, and YTBD Living Heros.

Denver— Thursday, 1/17/19 John Wren, today on Ben Franklins 313th birthday, long-time community activist and President of the Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. announced a new

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Help! Please help me do Good Work!.

I'm looking for a Catholic priest and volunteers, a webmaster, board members, exec director.
Any suggestions? I just Tweeted this:

Our purpose is to restore Mass Flourishing by doing more Good Work ourselves, and helping others to do the same. For more watch Startup Show, live each morning at 10 Denver.

I'll talk about this on Startup Show today, I hope you'll watch. Live at 10 a.m. Denver Time, any time after that by recording. Click "Visit Group" on and join us if you haven't already, it's fast and free.

Please share with any Catholic priest who you think might be willing to bless our work, ok? I wish Thomas Merton was still alive, I'd ask him.  Fr. James Martin? Fr. Richard Rohr? Or... ?

How may I be helpful to you?


John S. Wren, MBA+
Founder and President,
Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Watch our Startup Show each morning, it's free:
"Visit Group" on
Twitter: @JohnSWren or @IDEACafe

More about John Wren on

Monday, January 07, 2019

Want emergency help?

Recovery, getting back up, sometimes requires help. How do you find help? That's the topic today on Startup Club, click on "Visit Group" on and join us, it's free and fast.

Friday, January 04, 2019

My last bible study with Fr. Bruce.

Friday 4 January #Prayasyougo

Fr. Bruce Youngquist was an Episcopal priest who was ordained at Christ Church in Denver when Fr. David Wilson was the pastor.

Fr. Bruce had been an Intervarsity organizer for decades, starting bible studies on scores of college campuses.

I had the great privalage of being in a small group he and his wife Jo led at Christ Church and then again at St. Gabriel's Church. He helped me start a bible study in downtown Denver when I was working at Mountain Bell.

This was the text in one of the very last sessions I participated in with Fr. Bruce, in a home in Cherry Hills owned by a couple from England who attended St. Gabriel, where we all were members at the time.

Friday 4 January #Prayasyougo