Friday, September 11, 2009

 There are two sources for change within you. One is the cunningness of your ego that pushes you into making efforts to become something other than you are meant to be so that it can give itself a boost, so that it can glorify itself. The other is the wisdom of Nature. Thanks to this wisdom you become aware, you understand it. That is all you do, leaving the change--type, the manner, the speed, the time of change-- to Reality and to Nature. Your ego is a great technician. It cannot be creative. It goes in for methods and techniques and produces so-called hold people who are rigid, consistent, mechanical, lifeless, as intolerant of others as they are of themselves-- violent people the very opposite of holiness and love. Nature is not a technician. Nature is creative... a keen, alert, penetrating, vigilant awareness that causes the dissolution of all one's foolishness and selfishness, all one's attachments and fears. The changes that follow are not the result of your blueprints and efforts but the product of Nature that spurns your plans and will.  Anthony de Mello, The Way to Love.

"World war three has started," my brother said.

What do you mean? "Turn on TV."

I did, just in time to see the second plane fly into the World Trade Center at 7:03 a.m. Denver time.

A lot has happened since then: We have gone through treatments, bought and sold, made new friends, changed careers, found and lost faith, experienced births and deaths, and now we go on to the rest of our lives.

What has really changed?

I'd like to explore that with you here over the course of the next year. Together, let's look back and look ahead. What is different now, and how well is that working for us?

We'll start here next Monday morning. I hope you'll join us.

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