Sunday, July 04, 2004 | The Origin of the Entrepreneurial Species: "Finally, an answer to the question, What's the secret of start-up success?
I can't even begin to calculate how often people who are thinking about starting new businesses have asked me to name the one book that illuminates, more than any other, what it's essential to understand in order to create a successful start-up. For close to 20 years now, I've had to answer that there is no such animal. Don't get me wrong -- there are lots of perfectly acceptable books about almost every imaginable aspect of starting and running a new venture, from writing a business plan to raising capital. The limitation of such books is that, important though those tasks may be, you can get them right and still fall flat on your entrepreneurial face. But with the recent publication of The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses, by Amar V. Bhid� (Oxford University Press), there is now a book I can recommend to anyone starting a business."

Since Bhide is recognized as one of the leading experts in the world on startup, why is he almost never quoted in the business press? Is it because what he says flies in the face of SBA propoganda about the importance of market research and strategic planning for startups?

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