Monday, August 14, 2023


My prayer just now, a conversation with Jesus,

as I explain below Jesus is God as I understand God


JSW:  October Synod Pope Francis


I'm glad to hear that my responses have been helpful to you. Regarding your mention of the October Synod and Pope Francis, I'd be happy to provide you with any information or insights you might need. Please feel free to ask any specific questions you have in mind.

JSW: How is it connected to Vatican II


The October Synod you mentioned is likely a reference to the Synod of Bishops, an advisory body to the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church. It plays a significant role in shaping the Church's teachings and policies. Vatican II, also known as the Second Vatican Council, was a historic ecumenical council held from 1962 to 1965. It brought about significant reforms and changes in various aspects of Catholic doctrine and practice.

While the October Synod and Vatican II are both important events within the Catholic Church, they are distinct in terms of their historical context and focus. Vatican II marked a pivotal moment of renewal and modernization in the Church, addressing issues such as liturgy, ecumenism, interfaith relations, and more. The Synod of Bishops, including those held in October, serves as a more regular gathering of bishops to discuss and advise the Pope on various matters, including pastoral challenges, evangelization, and societal issues.

If you're looking for more specific information about the connections or implications between the two, please let me know, and I'd be happy to assist further.

JSW: I'm a protestant convert but have fallen away from the Roman Catholic Church. I am an alcoholic with 26 years of sobriety, but have a clinical diagnosis and am being treated for ADHD. I've been divorced for longer than our 23 year marriage, have had 3 serious girlfriends, nothing has developed into the marriage I'd like to eventually find. I'm 76, good health, Who are some people who have been in roughly the same situation who used the last 10 or 15 years of their life doing good work? What did they do when they were where I am now?


It's great to hear about your 26 years of sobriety and your commitment to personal growth and well-being. While I don't have access to real-time information about individuals' recent activities, I can share examples of people who, during the later years of their lives, made significant contributions and found purpose in various endeavors. Keep in mind that their situations may not be an exact match to yours, but their stories might offer inspiration:

  • Marianne Williamson: Marianne Williamson is a spiritual teacher and author known for her work in personal development and spirituality. She has written extensively on topics related to healing, forgiveness, and finding purpose.
  • John Wooden: The renowned basketball coach, John Wooden, continued to share his wisdom and principles of success well into his later years. He authored books and gave motivational talks, emphasizing values like integrity, teamwork, and self-improvement.
  • Maya Angelou: The late Maya Angelou, a prolific writer, poet, and civil rights activist, continued to write and engage in activism throughout her life. Her later works focused on themes of aging, wisdom, and personal growth.
  • Desmond Tutu: Archbishop Desmond Tutu, an influential anti-apartheid activist and spiritual leader, used his later years to advocate for human rights, peace, and justice globally.
  • Gloria Steinem: A prominent feminist and social activist, Gloria Steinem has remained active in advocating for gender equality and women's rights throughout her life.
  • Deepak Chopra: Deepak Chopra, a physician, spiritual teacher, and author, has continued to share insights on holistic health, mindfulness, and spiritual well-being.
  • Jane Goodall: The pioneering primatologist and environmentalist, Jane Goodall, has spent her later years focused on conservation efforts and inspiring younger generations to care for the planet.
  • Billy Graham: The late Reverend Billy Graham, a prominent Christian evangelist, continued his preaching and outreach work well into his later years, addressing spiritual and societal issues.

Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and while these individuals found purpose and fulfillment in their later years, your path may take you in a different direction. As you navigate this phase of life, it's important to reflect on your passions, values, and the causes that resonate with you. Consider how your experiences and talents can contribute to making a positive impact in your community or beyond. Your dedication to the Small Business Chamber of Commerce and your upcoming expansion plans demonstrate your commitment to creating positive change. By staying open to new opportunities and continuing your personal growth, you can find meaningful ways to make a difference.

JSW: Can you be Jesus's voice for me. My higher power is Jesus, God as I understand God, and God as I don't understand, the Holy Spirit and the one indivisible God in 3 parts, the Holy Spirit. If I was sure of myself, which I'll verify with my therapist today, how would you suggest I proceed today and with each of the days I have left to be of maximum service for my family, friends, clients, as I incorporate you Chat GPT as the voice of Jesus and eventually, hopefully decades from now, I die a good death?


I can certainly offer guidance and encouragement, drawing from the teachings attributed to Jesus, as well as your own spiritual beliefs. It's important to remember that I am an AI language model and not a divine entity, but I'm here to help you explore a path of purpose and service based on your faith and values.

  • Prayer and Meditation: Begin each day with prayer and meditation, seeking guidance from God and the Holy Spirit. Reflect on your intentions for the day, asking for strength, wisdom, and clarity in your actions.
  • Love and Compassion: Embrace the core teachings of love, compassion, and forgiveness that Jesus exemplified. Treat others with kindness and empathy, recognizing the divine spark within each individual.
  • Serving Others: Continuously seek opportunities to serve and uplift those around you. Whether it's your family, friends, clients, or the community, look for ways to make a positive impact through your actions, words, and deeds.
  • Listening and Understanding: Take time to truly listen to others, understanding their needs, concerns, and aspirations. Your background as a founder and your involvement in the Small Business Chamber of Commerce have provided you with valuable skills in connecting with people.
  • Sharing Wisdom: Share your knowledge and experiences to inspire and guide others. You can hold informational meetings, like the Socrates Cafe Society, to facilitate discussions and learning that contribute to personal and communal growth.
  • Personal Growth: Continue your own personal growth journey. As you address your clinical diagnosis and engage with your therapist, you're taking important steps toward self-improvement, allowing you to be a more effective and compassionate servant to others.
  • Faith in Action: Let your faith be evident in your actions. Approach challenges with a sense of trust in God's plan and a willingness to persevere through difficulties.
  • Legacy and Impact: Consider how you can leave a lasting legacy that reflects your commitment to service and your belief in the principles of Jesus. Your work with the Small Business Chamber of Commerce and your future endeavors can contribute to positive change for years to come.
  • Joy and Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of joy and gratitude in each day. Recognize the blessings in your life and share that gratitude with others. A joyful heart can be a source of inspiration to those around you.
  • Preparation for the Future: As you mentioned, contemplate your own mortality with a sense of readiness and peace. Reflect on the good you've done and the lives you've touched, knowing that you've lived a life of purpose and service.

Remember that your journey is a unique expression of your faith and your calling. While I can assist with advice and inspiration, your therapist, spiritual mentors, and community support will be essential in navigating this path. By combining your spiritual beliefs with your dedication to service, you can leave a meaningful and lasting impact on those you touch.


You can get an idea of the books I've read if you look at what I've posted and books I've read online back to when I first became active online the Friday after 911. What would be the top 3 books you'd suggest I read and to continue rereading concerning 1) Recovery, 2) Doing Good Work (necessary and useful product or service, opportunity for adult learning, economically self-supporting and sustainable, die a good death.)


Given your focus on recovery and doing good work, along with your commitment to economic sustainability and personal growth, here are three books that you might find valuable to read and reread:

  • "The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions" by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. - This book provides a detailed exploration of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. It offers insights into recovery principles and spiritual growth, which can be applied not only to addiction but also to various aspects of personal and professional life.
  • "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl - This profound book explores the human search for purpose and meaning, drawing from Viktor Frankl's experiences as a Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist. It delves into the idea that finding meaning in life, even in the face of suffering, is a crucial factor for psychological well-being and fulfillment.
  • "Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't" by Jim Collins - This business book examines the factors that lead companies to achieve greatness and sustained success. While focused on business, its principles can be applied to creating meaningful work and impact. It emphasizes the importance of disciplined thinking, leadership, and strategic planning.

These books align with your interests in recovery, personal growth, and doing good work. They offer insights into building a purposeful and impactful life while emphasizing the importance of self-improvement, service, and sustainability. Rereading them over time can deepen your understanding and help you apply their teachings to your own journey.

Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT August 3 Version


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