Tuesday, August 22, 2023

New home for Online Socrates Cafe starting tonight:

Online with John Wren. www.JohnWren.com Call (303)861-1447

New Password for new GoogleMeet Online Socrates Cafe https://meet.google.com/nkd-quxi-hvj 

A reminder, Socrates Cafe Society, sponsored by SBCC and me, actually SBCC is me, holds online Socrates Cafes that meet online each Tuesday (tonight), Friday, Saturday, and 1st Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Denver time, Mountain Daylight Time, that makes it 8:30 p.m. Eastern, 7:30 p.m. Central, and 5:30 p.m. Pacific. I will be posting a suggested topic and link to the meeting here by 3 p.m. Denver each week.

We don't announce the topic in advance because the group decides the topic at the start of each meeting. The reason we don't announce the topic in advance is because we want to share our own thinking, not the thinking of old dead white guys unless we've made it our own. Why? because the most important part of each meeting is the chance to ask "why do you say that" and old dead white guys can't answer directly.

If you have any questions or suggestions give me a call (720)495-4949 otherwise I hope to see you a few minutes before our 6:30 p.m. Denver starting time.

What are the best 3 ways to have an online video conference? Best in terms of cost, ease of use, and security.


Certainly, I'd be happy to help you with that! When it comes to online video conferencing, here are three options that are known for their cost-effectiveness, user-friendliness, and security:

  • Zoom: Zoom is a popular choice for online video conferencing due to its ease of use and wide range of features. It offers free plans with limited participants and time limits for meetings. Paid plans provide more participants, longer meeting durations, and advanced features. Zoom also takes security seriously, offering features like password protection, waiting rooms, and end-to-end encryption for paid users.
  • Google Meet: Google Meet (formerly Hangouts Meet) is integrated with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) and provides an easy-to-use platform for video conferencing. It's suitable for small to large businesses and offers security features like encryption and strong authentication. Google Meet also has free and paid plans, with G Suite providing additional features and integration with other Google services.
  • Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams is part of Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) and offers a robust platform for online meetings, chat, and collaboration. It integrates well with other Microsoft applications and services. While Microsoft Teams is more feature-rich, it might have a steeper learning curve compared to some other options. Microsoft emphasizes security, offering features like multi-factor authentication and data encryption.

These options should provide you with a good starting point for hosting online video conferences. As you plan your expansion in 2024, these tools can help facilitate communication and collaboration among your growing network.


How do I get started with Google Meet


Getting started with Google Meet is quite straightforward, especially if you're familiar with other Google services. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set up and start using Google Meet:

  • Access Google Meet:
    • Open a web browser and go to the Google Meet website: meet.google.com.
    • Alternatively, you can access Google Meet through your Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) account or the Google Meet mobile app.
  • Sign In:
    • If you're not already signed in to your Google account, click the "Sign In" button and enter your Google account credentials.
  • Start or Join a Meeting:
    • To start a new meeting, click on the "Join or start a meeting" button.
    • To join an existing meeting, enter the meeting code provided by the host.
  • Configure Meeting Settings (Optional):
    • Before starting the meeting, you can adjust settings such as the microphone and camera settings, as well as enabling or disabling captions and screen sharing.
  • Start the Meeting:
    • Click the "Join Now" button to start the meeting.
    • You'll see your own video feed, and you can use the controls at the bottom of the screen to mute/unmute your microphone, turn your camera on/off, and access other meeting settings.
  • Invite Participants:
    • Once you're in the meeting, you can invite participants by clicking on the "Add people" button. You can invite participants via email or by sharing a meeting link.
  • Meeting Controls:
    • As the host, you'll have access to various meeting controls. You can mute/unmute participants, remove participants, and manage screen sharing and other settings.
  • End the Meeting:
    • When the meeting is over, click the red "Leave" button to exit the meeting.

Remember that Google Meet offers additional features if you're using Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), such as the ability to schedule meetings through Google Calendar and integrate with other Google services. As you plan your expansion and start connecting with your network, Google Meet can be a valuable tool for conducting virtual meetings and collaboration

Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT August 3 Version

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