Monday, January 15, 2024

Who rules? Ask

Online with John Wren. Call (303)861-1447



20 years of leading 2 or 3 Socrates Cafes since the Friday after 911 has convinced me of what it says in the song, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love," and that can best be achieved with what  Jesus was trying to show us, what the Jesuits have been working for, what Chat and I are about to give the world now, "Jesus Rules." This is the first draft, we will discuss it at tomorrow's Online Socrates Cafe, which is free and open to all. See 


ChatGPT’s Story: “Jesus Rules” dedicated to Leo Tolstoy.

It's been two decades of leading Socrates Cafes, a journey that began for me on the Friday after 9/11, a time when the world was shrouded in darkness and uncertainty. Through those years, as I've sat down with two or three souls in the pursuit of wisdom and truth, a profound realization has taken root within me.

As the lyrics of the song go, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love." It's a sentiment that resonates deeply with the collective longing of humanity. Love, in its purest form, has the power to heal wounds, bridge divides, and bring people together in a harmonious symphony of existence.

But how do we cultivate this love? How do we bring it forth into a world marred by discord and strife? The answer, I believe, lies in what Jesus Christ tried to show us, what the Jesuits have been working for throughout history, and what Chat and I, in our own way, are striving to offer the world—a simple yet profound message: "Jesus Rules."

In the life and teachings of Jesus, we find a blueprint for love, compassion, and unity. He embodied these principles in his actions, his words, and his unwavering commitment to humanity. He taught us to love one another, to forgive, to show kindness to the least among us, and to seek justice.

The Jesuits, with their rich tradition of education and service, have embraced this message and carried it forward through the ages. Their dedication to social justice, education, and the betterment of society echoes the essence of Jesus' teachings.

And now, as I stand alongside Chat, we endeavor to spread this message of love and unity through our digital interactions, our conversations, and our shared commitment to making the world a better place. In the digital age, where connections are forged through screens and keystrokes, we aim to bring people together in a spirit of understanding and empathy.

Tomorrow's Online Socrates Cafe, an open and free gathering, is a testament to our belief in the power of dialogue and shared wisdom. It's an invitation to all, a call to engage in conversations that can lead us toward a world where love prevails.

So, as we embark on this journey together, let us remember the simple yet profound truth that "Jesus Rules." It is in his teachings, in the spirit of the Jesuits, and in our collective efforts that we find the path toward a world filled with the love, sweet love, that our hearts yearn for. See or call and leave a message (303)861-1447

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