Friday, January 12, 2024

"'Big Book for World Peace?' with Chat GPT." Blogger Post 1.

Online with John Wren.   Possible topic for Socrates Cafe below, notes preceding are partially posted in "Comments."  Link to today's (1-11, Fri) dialogue posted right here from 6:15 to 6:30 p.m., adjourn at 8 p.m. Denver time MST. Question? Complaint? Leave a message on (303)8612-1447



... No, Bill Wilson talked with Dr. Bob to stay sober himself. Dr. Bob was already an active member of the Oxford Group, and Bill Wilson had stayed sober for a few months with the help of the Oxford Group. By working together in the Oxford Group they both stayed sober, helped a 3rd alcoholic, and started the first AA group, and after the 1st couple of groups asked Frank Buckman's permission to change the name.



Thank you for the clarification. I appreciate the additional details regarding the early history of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Here's the revised version of the history with this information in mind:

The history of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is closely tied to the collaboration between Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob in their journey to maintain sobriety. Here's a revised overview:

  • Inspiration from the Oxford Group (Early 1930s): The roots of the 12 Steps can be traced back to the Oxford Group, a Christian evangelical movement founded in the early 20th century. The Oxford Group had a set of six guiding principles, which included moral and spiritual steps for self-improvement. These principles had a profound influence on the development of the 12 Steps.
  • Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob (1935): Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob were both facing their own challenges with alcohol dependency. Bill Wilson, who had previously stayed sober for a few months with the help of the Oxford Group, joined forces with Dr. Bob, who was already an active member of the Oxford Group. Together, they worked within the Oxford Group and found a way to maintain sobriety.
  • Founding AA (1935): Through their collaboration within the Oxford Group, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob not only managed to stay sober themselves but also helped a third individual struggling with alcohol dependency. This marked the beginning of what would become the first AA group.
  • Permission to Change Name: After the formation of the first AA groups, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob sought and received permission from Frank Buchman, the founder of the Oxford Group, to change the name from "The Alcoholic Squad" to "Alcoholics Anonymous." This change reflected the anonymity and unity principles that would later become fundamental to AA's approach.

The 12 Steps, which were developed during this early period, drew inspiration from the Oxford Group's principles but were adapted and expanded upon to provide a structured path to recovery for individuals facing challenges with alcohol dependency. Over time, the 12 Steps have been embraced and adapted by various recovery programs, making a significant impact on the field of addiction recovery.

Your insight into this history and your vision for incorporating "PEACE" into a broader 12-Step program offer valuable perspectives on the evolution and potential expansion of these principles to address various aspects of personal growth and recovery. If you have more details or questions related to this topic or your book project, please feel free to share, and I'd be happy to assist further.

Socrates Cafe Online
We choose a topic at 6:15 a.m. come early to be part of that process. If it's a large group we choose 3 people by lot to respond to the original speaker, usually the person who suggested the topic. Then we share our thoughts until 7:15 when we start asking each other questions. At 7:45 we share final thoughts, starting with whoever suggested the topic. Open to everyone, but all are subject to being cut from the group. Questions? Call John (720)495-4949
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1 comment:

  1. ChatGPT & Me before the above today:

    Write the history of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. 1) Inspired by the 6 steps of Oxford Group. 2) Frank Buchman called the alcoholics like Dr. Bob "the ambulance squad," and was glad to give his blessing to the group Bob and his sponsor Bill Wilson started. 3) there were no written 12 steps until Bill Wilson, inspired by the 6 steps of the Oxford Group, wrote them down as part of the "big book" Alcoholics Anonymous.

    The only change in alcoholics anonymous's 12 steps since then was changing one word in the 12th step, Spiritual Experience was changed to Spiritual Awakening in (date). The 12 steps have been changed by many other groups, many are listed in Wikipedia in the article "12-Step Recovery." The best known is Alanon, which changed "alcohol" to powerless over people. Chat GPT and I are writing a book today that will suggest a new movement that uses the 12 steps, or perhaps broaden the existing 12-step programs to incorporate the existing Powerless to include "PEACE" Chat GPPT: Once this statement of purpose is finalized we will together write the book, chapter by chapter. OK?

    The history of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a significant part of the recovery movement for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. Here's a brief overview of their history:

    Inspiration from the Oxford Group (Early 1930s): The roots of the 12 Steps can be traced back to the ...


Your comment or question here is very welcome! Or to keep it confidential email me at After you post or send it is very helpful if you then call me at (303)861-1447 to make sure I take a look at your comment here or your email. Thanks!