The Meeting ID is posted at 6 p.m. here on the day of each meeting.
At 6:30 p.m. those present at our opening are eligible to suggest a topic and to vote. The person who suggested the top vote-getting topic is asked to give a short talk on the topic, define terms, and to answer questions about the opening share and to share again just before we adjourn.
We've been meeting here in Denver since the Friday after 9/11. We are about to launch a campaign to encourage the formation of a face-to-face Socrates Cafe in public libraries, as we do now on Saturday evenings at the University of Denver.
If you'd like to see a face-to-face group form at your favorite library, you are invited to participate with us for now and to ask for whatever help you need to get the new group started.
When we post here next Tuesday we post a notice on Twitter, follow us at @SocratesCafes. If you have any questions or suggestions call me (303)861-1447 and leave a detailed message.
John Scott Wren, MBA+++
Founder, President, and CEO of
Socrates Cafe Society, a project of
Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
Join us this week online? Why or why not?