Thursday, November 23, 2023

Hello God, this is John.

Online with John Wren. Call (303)861-1447

Exploring the Parallels Between Lexio Divina and Freudian Self-Analysis

In the pursuit of spiritual well-being and the care of the soul, two seemingly divergent paths, Lexio Divina and Freudian Self-Analysis, converge at a common destination. While these approaches may appear distinct on the surface, they share a fundamental goal: to make the unconscious conscious and thereby facilitate a healthier, more balanced existence. This essay will delve into the key principles of Lexio Divina and Freudian Self-Analysis, demonstrating that they are essentially two different sets of tools for achieving the same end—enlightenment and self-awareness.

Lexio Divina, a contemplative and meditative practice rooted in Christian spirituality, involves the careful reading and reflection upon sacred texts. It aims to nourish the soul and deepen one's relationship with the divine. On the other hand, Freudian Self-Analysis, developed by psychoanalyst Robert Langs, is a psychological approach that seeks to explore the depths of the unconscious mind. Despite their distinct origins and methodologies, these practices share several fundamental elements.

One commonality is the importance of introspection and deep reflection. Lexio Divina encourages individuals to engage with sacred texts in a contemplative manner, allowing the words to penetrate their inner being. Similarly, Freudian Self-Analysis entails a deep dive into one's thoughts, memories, and emotions, often with the guidance of a trained therapist. Both practices recognize the significance of looking inward to gain insights into one's true self.

Furthermore, Lexio Divina and Freudian Self-Analysis acknowledge the existence of an unconscious realm that exerts a profound influence on human behavior. Lexio Divina practitioners believe that the divine speaks to them through sacred texts on a level deeper than conscious understanding. In Freudian Self-Analysis, the deep unconscious wisdom system, as described by Langs, can be seen as akin to the "God within" that Christian mystics speak of in meditation—a wellspring of divine knowledge and insight residing within the individual. Both approaches emphasize the importance of making the unconscious conscious, recognizing that this process leads to greater self-awareness and spiritual well-being.

Another parallel lies in the transformative potential of these practices. Lexio Divina aims to cultivate a deep spiritual connection and transform the individual spiritually, fostering a sense of inner peace and harmony. Freudian Self-Analysis, on the other hand, seeks to uncover and resolve repressed conflicts and traumas, leading to psychological healing and personal growth. Both approaches strive to bring about a positive transformation in the individual, whether it is on a spiritual or psychological level.

In conclusion, Lexio Divina and Freudian Self-Analysis, despite their apparent differences in origin and practice, share a common objective: to enhance the well-being of the individual by making the unconscious conscious. They both emphasize introspection, the recognition of the unconscious, and the transformative power of self-awareness. These practices provide individuals with distinct sets of tools to explore and connect with the profound wisdom and insights that lie within, whether described as the "deep unconscious wisdom system" by Langs or the divine presence within, as perceived by Christian mystics during meditation.


  1. In essence, Lexio Divina and Freudian Self-Analysis can be seen as two distinct sets of tools, each serving the purpose of linguistic expression—albeit in different forms. Lexio Divina employs sacred texts as tools to access divine wisdom and communicate with the divine, while Freudian Self-Analysis uses language and dialogue as tools to explore the depths of the unconscious and express repressed thoughts and emotions. Both sets of tools facilitate a deeper understanding of the self and the spiritual or psychological dimensions of one's existence.

  2. Save text in "Reading Mode."


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