Thursday, November 23, 2023

Online with John Wren. Call (303)861-1447

We write to learn. When I can't write, when I sit and stare at the blank screen and nothing seems worth the time of one key-stroke, like right now, I meditate this way: 1) I find an emotional narrative, a fairy tale or a parable, a dream or a daydream I remember or create fresh now; 2) I let associations come and themes emerge; 3) Looking at the last 24-hours or so I gather triggers, traumatic events; I associate the most emotional trigger with each theme until a surprising insight emerges or I repeat with another trigger from the past 24 hours until Jesus and I are startled by the deep inner-wisdom system. 

For a much better explanation of this, which I believe is a gift, read Robert Langs MD, I'm currently rereading his "The Daydream Workbook," published in 1995 when I first started reading it. One Day At A Time.  

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Langs' work is built on early Freud, not the later Freud when he underwent a radical change in his theory and practice. (U of Chicago student, overheard by David Brooks, "Yes, it works in practice, but does it work in theory?")


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