Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Be the Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.'s Ambassador to your neighborhood and to your local chamber, local community newspaper, and other groups.

For more, join us next Friday, 4:30 p.m. at our new Instructional Meeting. You'll get enough information to hit the ground running. For more see 

Questions now? Call John Wren, (303)861-1447

This life is very short, let's get started! 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

What I did on the darkest day of the year.

Yesterday was winter solstice, the darkest day of the year.

I worked on the new Caucus Clubs idea all day, getting ready for the Startup Show tomorrow, maybe a media release today, and in the evening I finished 2 days of marathon viewing of The Man from the High Tower. Very dark movie, perfect fit for the dark day. A final scene with surprising Christ figure made the whole thing worthwhile, reminded me a lot of Field of Dreams, "Is this heaven?"

Got a letter you might find interesting, more about it on the new Grassroots Rules site, check it out at 

Days start getting longer today, sort of the start of spring.

Let's get started! If you want to.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Now what?

Meeting here in Denver every Friday to help you get a quick start if you decide to run for office or help other good people get elected. Great way to help increase the informed participation in the 2018 elections, time to start is now! Join us this Friday or call me! John Wren (303)861-1447 or click here for more info, rsvp:

Friday, December 16, 2016

Startup Show, live each Friday at noon mst.
This week: 2nd Caucus Day at the Capitol. Electoral College. SBCC Startup Method.
To be on the show call John at (303)861-1447

Startup Show

Noon each Friday, now via Facebook Live. To be on the show call John Wren (303)861-1447

Startup Show (click here.)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Starting a new career? A new project or campaign? Starting a new Business?

Join us here each Friday at noon Mountain Standard Time for the
Startup Show. Sponsored by the Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

IDEA Cafe Startup Workshops, other free groups to help you with the
practices of recovery, imagine, think, and learn; to start, grow, flourish.
More info at

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Image searches: Clinton and Trump

Friday, December 09, 2016

How do we know?

Startup Show Dec 9 2016

Join us this afternoon or any Friday afternoon for IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop, more info about it and other free meetings of the Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. on and links there to various meetups and other events.

To be on the show rsvp yes for the date you want and then call me and let me know what you've done, I'll call you back and confirm. RSVP at for Startup Show. We are on each Friday, noon mst.

Thanks for watching. Call if I can be helpful to you or anyone you know.

John Wren

Startup Show

Today, Polly Baca and faithless electors on the Startup Show! On Facebook Live Video each Friday at noon mst, or watch via recording on John S Wren YouTube Channel.

Facebook Live Video:

To be on the show call (303)861-1447 after you have rsvp'd on

Monday, December 05, 2016

Usage frequency over time of recover, bounce, imagine, think, learn, start, grow, flourish

No surprise, for decades I've said the more we talk about start the fewer starts. Academic entrepreneurship is killing new business formation, just as academic classes to study poetry has killed poetry.

Frequency of the use of religion names in US, Russian, China, etc.

American English:





Every day, in every way...

Friday, December 02, 2016

New Startup Show!

Startup Show
Here each Friday, live at noon mst on Facebook Live Video.

2nd Colorado Caucus Day at the Capitol.
Caucus Clubs
What is the process of spiritual startup?
Why should you care?

To be on the show to share your startup experience,
or to get help as you start a new career, a new project
or campaign, or a new business, call me at (303)861-1447

StartUp Stanford classes

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Help Wanted

New! Amba$$adors for SBCC. You? 

Visit Meetups like the one below to represent SBCC and recruit guests for Startup Show for us. 

First rsvp for the Meetup (the one below or similar)  and cc me, then call and let me know what you have done.

Call if you have any questions. (303)861-1447 

Want to start right now? 

If you can go to this Meetup rsvp YES, cc: me, then call and let me know what you've done. Bonus when guest is on with us, possibly originating with you from the Meetup via Facebook live video. 

Amount of bonus, travel expenses negotiated AFTER you rsvp, so only rsvp for Meetups you WILL attend, whether you are representing SBCC and the Startup Show or not. Copy and paste into your browser bar: 

John S. Wren, MBA

Founder and President,

Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

We help give more real help to startups.

SBCC Startup Method-- The Practices of:

Recover, Imagine, Think, and Learn; to

Start, Grow, and Flourish. Start now!

Call (303)861-1447 or cell (720)495-4949

Friday, November 25, 2016

Startup Show Nov 25 2016 Start of Dump Trump Movement.

The December 19 Dump Trump movement has started! Watch the founder tell how it was inspired by a recent movie. Then check out the Facebook Page (click.)

Are you willing to share your startup experience? To be a guest on the show call John Wren, (303)861-1447. Can now be done anytime or date that works for you. Call for details.

Startup Show LAST week. Today's show posted momentarily.

New! Startup Show is now on when we have a startup story to share. If you'd be willing to share your experience about how you got started with a new project, campaign, career, or new business call me and let's do it! John Wren (303)861-1447  PLEASE SHARE. YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN A FRIEND REALLY APPRECIATE KNOWING ABOUT THIS. THANKS!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Supermoon! Check out these photos and videos!

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Westword interview with John Wren.

Westword interview with me: About Primaries and the Caucus.  Check it out: via @denverwestword

In my opinion,  stopping 107 and 108 today is more important than who is elected President today. If we kill the grassroots we kill the experiment with self-government of the last 237 years. Read the Westword interview above, then join us to continue the fight for the Colorado Caucus in the Colorado legislature.

How do you join? Go to Save the Caucus click read the letter, then share it with your friends.

It's only too late if we don't start now!

Wow! 234 hits at 8:30 a.m. New record?

Today is election day, we are reminding everyone to vote on Save the Caucus click

At 8:30 a.m. we already have more hits than we usually get all day. Clearly the site is going to set a new record! You could help by clicking on the above link, going there, and if you like what you see please go to the bottom of the post and click on the social media of your choice to share it, maybe then hit the button to share it on your blog, or the button to email it to your friends.

And don't forget to vote if you haven't already.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

What do journalist retweet?

Friday, November 04, 2016

Startup Show: Best Networking Event, How We Can Continue.

Startup Show each Friday at noon, Mountain Time.
To be on the show call John Wren (303)861-1447

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Startup Show right here tomorrow: Internet and Elections, Temporary Grassroots Tool?

Startup show is right here tomorrow, probably with a link to YouTube Live again, didn't have much luck with alternative service we used last week.

Our topic will be the Internet and Elections, what's happening now and what might happen if worst case scenario comes true, whoever is elected restricts our ability to contact each other on the Internet.

To be a guest on the show call  (303)861-1447. Or just come back here at noon tomorrow or any Friday at noon Mountain Daylight Time or see us on YouTube Live Events.

Save the Caucus! Vote NO on 107 and 108! See new contest "Friends tell friends to VOTE NO on 107 and 108" with big cash prize, see  

This life is short, let's get started!

Save the Caucus! and, soon NM, WY, UT, "Friends tell friends to VOTE NO on 107 and 108" C...

Save the Caucus! and, soon NM, WY, UT, "Friends tell friends to VOTE NO on 107 and 108" C...: This afternoon we will be announcing a substantial cash award for the person who can create a "VOTE NO on 107 and 108" message and...

Friday, October 21, 2016

Startup Show: Action Class in Practical Politics. New! Caucus Clubs.

Startup Show: Noon MDT each Friday (or sooner),
anytime after that by recording here.

To be a guest on the show next week call John
Wren Monday or Tuesday (303)861-1447

Friday, October 14, 2016

Startup Show: SBCC Startup Method and Best Networking Event.

Here is another chance to hear about the SBCC Startup Method and the Colorado Caucus. We'll discuss them both this afternoon at the LoDo IDEA Cafe. More info in the comments at the bottom of the YouTube video:

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Watch video with Corky Kyle, vote in straw poll:

Friday, October 07, 2016

Startup Show: What's love got to do with it?

Next Friday (Oct 14) at noon MDT the Startup Show will address the question: "What does love have to do with business and politics?"

To join us on the show next Friday or any Friday rsvp yes or no on our Meetup site (click here,) let us know in your rsvp comment a teaser about the startup story you'd like to share, and we will give you a call to schedule a date.

Watch the show live or any time by recording via the link that will be posted here just before we go on the air, or see it each week on YouTube Live Events by subscribing, see for details.

This could make a good topic for a Socrates Cafe. Partial list of Socrates Cafes here in Colorado (let me know if you'd like me to add yours) at

John S. Wren, MBA+ 
1881 Buchtel Blvd. #501
Denver, CO 80210  "Just start!"  "SBCC Startup Method!" "Save the Caucus!"

(303)861-1447 cell (720)3495-4949

Sunday, October 02, 2016

New! Office Hours 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays at 1881 Buchtel Blvd.

Want to drop by and say hello?

Starting this Tuesday you can do so from 2 to 4 p.m. on that one day with no appointment. Or of course call me anytime if you want to set an appointment to meet here at our world headquarters or somewhere else.

Any Tuesday just come to the front door on Buchtel, you'll see me right there or you'll see a note from me saying when I'll be back, it will be asap if I'm already talking with someone. 

So stop by next Tuesday or any Tuesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and let's talk. Light rail is the best way to get here, never any traffic delay, it is very fast, you can catch it at your nearest RTD Lightrail Station and park free.

Tuesdays bad for you? Call and we'll make an appointment for another time or place. I look forward to possibly being of help to you. Of course, as you'd expect there is never any charge unless we have a written agreement in advance.

John Wren,
Founder and President
Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
1881 Buchtel Blvd., right at RTD's University of Denver Station.

Does it hurt business to express support for a political candidate?

Coming here soon, the latest research into this question. In our pluralistic society gave we now gone to the politically correct extream of demanding neutrality in politics? Colleges are being accused of trying to stifle political debate  on controversial issues. The conventional wisdom has been that in business the topics of politics and religion should be avoided. Is this no longer true today?

I'll post my thoughts on this topic here over the next week or so as I attend Socrates Cafes here in the metro-Denver area as I gather information and clarify my thinking.

You are welcome to post your thoughts here as a comment now or give me a call if you want to influence my thinking as I try and be as open minded as possible. And it would be great if you'd join me at a Denver Socrates Cafe this week, see 

John Wren

Monday, August 22, 2016

Powerful forces again at work to kill the Colorado Caucus.

Photo: Denver Post
Citizens in Colorado have loved the Colorado Caucus since it was instituted by Gov John Shafroth and the Colorado legislature as a package of progressive reforms in August of 1912.

Extremely poor leadership at the top of both major political parties and perhaps poor performance by others who had a major impact on them led to the fiasco of this past March 1 edition.

It would be a big big mistake to pass any reforms suggested in the Colorado political system until after the November elections.

The metro-Denver Chamber of Commerce has pushed through a ballot initiative that would create major havoc  and if you are a member of the Denver Chamber please call me (303)861-1447, I'm doing an article about what happened to take the Denver Chamber so far off track.

Powerful forces have tried to kill the Colorado Caucus ever since it was first used in an election back in 1914, but they have never prevailed. That's because Colorado citizens who care realize our hyper-local approach to neighborhood power puts the rank and file in charge of party leadership, and it empowers the average, ordinary person to serve in elected public office, something that's almost impossible without a strong caucus-assembly system.

For these reason with the help of a political consultant who I've hired myself I've been steering your Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. in a direction that will preserve the Colorado Caucus. In this past legislative session Save the Caucus, a registered Colorado political committee was formed, and we were able to help kill legislation in the House and Senate that would have killed the Caucus.

In addition Save the Caucus recommended that one of the sponsors of the Caucus killing legislation Tim Dore not be reelected and he was defeated 70% to 30%.

The Small Business Chamber is now considering ways to respond to the misguided ballot initiatives that will kill the Caucus, Initiatives 140 and 98 (click here). The result of this consideration is the new Caucus Clubs, an organizational meeting will be held a week from tomorrow, for more details and to rsvp for the organizational meeting see our Caucus Clubs site (click here.)

Saturday, August 13, 2016 +Recover+Start+Grow+Flourish+: 2nd printing of my little book on startup: +Recover+Start+Grow+Flourish+: 2nd printing of my little book on startup:: This is the first edition of my little book, 2nd edition available on Amazon and there are used copies of the various printings of this firs...

Start Now! SBCC Socratic Startup Method.: Free Membership in August

Start Now! SBCC Socratic Startup Method.: Free Membership in August: No credit card, just post an introduction of yourself on our Facebook Page, then Like and Share the Page. Call John Wren and leave a voi...

Friday, August 12, 2016

10 a.m. Startup Show: 2nd Friday On Selling.

Starting today the topic here on the Startup Show will be personal selling. If you'd like to be a guest on the show to share your experience with personal selling or any other aspect of startup, please call John Wren at (303)861-1447. Here's today's show:

Startup Show is on YouTube Live Events, Google+ Hangouts On Air, and on each Friday at noon Mountain Daylight Time, or by recording on If you would like to suggest a topic for the show, call John Wren (303)861-1447.

Sponsored by Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. which John Wren founded. Membership is free, there are several types of free meetings. Our purpose is to cooperate with local chambers and others to help them give more good help to people who are starting in a new direction with their work. To see some of the meetings see and check out the Facebook/Small.Business.Chamber or Twitter @IDEACafe Sm

For more about grassroots politics and the Colorado Caucus see the SBCC project Save the Caucus, : Join us! New Colorado Caucus Clubs. : Join us! New Colorado Caucus Clubs.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

2nd printing of my little book on startup:

This is the first edition of my little book, 2nd edition available on Amazon and there are used copies of the various printings of this first edition that are selling for $30+. My friend Harvey predicted this would happen, suggested I save 10+ copies of each printing. Wish I'd listened.

For Kindle 2nd edition or the print 2nd edition and the used copies see Amazon (click here.)

Friday, July 29, 2016

Startup Show

Today's edition, here each Friday, noon MDT.

 SBCC Startup Method: Recover*Imagine*Think*Learn*to Start, Grow, and Flourish. AMDG+: Today! Startup Show, YouTube Live Event (click here.)

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Resist advertising? Good PR can have a much, much higher ROI than paid ads. But PR without ads is futile. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Do only those with great parents do well?

No matter who is elected President, we each have to play the hand we are dealt in life. 

Most parents do the best they can, sometimes it's terrible, it's never perfect, and as the author of the Harry Potter said, unhappiness being the parents fault needs to have an expiration date. 

Kids from broken homes are sometimes the most resilient people, strongest at the broken place. 

Recent research has shown (see Angela Duckworth's book "Grit") this strength that comes from overcoming adversity has more to do with having a good life, loving God and the world, even those who are our neighbors and our enemies, grit has more to do with having the life we want than anything else other that a strong faith in God (see Charles Murray's monumental book "Human Achievement.")

After our first 14 years or so we each set our own expiration date for blaming our parents for our own unhappiness.

It's never to late to become willing to do the work and have faith, but at some point, whether it is 14 or 70, we each (with God's direction-- God doesn't paddle) we each have to paddle our own canoe.

At the end of our life and today we are each just as happy as we make up our mind to be. It's our choice to become well and see the world, God's creation, is good and people are nice.

Be well. (I remind myself when I write this for you. Thanks.)

Friday, July 22, 2016

Live Stream with Hangouts on Air - New 2016 Tutorial

Startup Show

Each Friday at noon MDT, we talk about startup.
Join us! To be on the show call (303)861-1447 : Check us out on Yelp: : Check us out on Yelp:: We'll discuss Yelp today on the Startup Show, noon each Friday on YouTube Live or Google+ On Air. Today on the show and at the LoDo IDEA...

Friday, July 15, 2016

Live now and at Noon each Friday, Startup Show

Startup Show each Friday at noon MDT. To be on the show call John Wren next week (303)861-1447. Today's topics, Bill Armstrong and new Caucus Corp.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Networking Mistakes

Three Mistakes Therapists Make When Networking and How to Avoid Them | Psych Central Professional

Friday, July 08, 2016

Interest in Trump vs Clinton

Startup Show: Why Trump?

Today's show: Why Trump?

 I believe Trump is untrustworthy, doesn't really want the job. Anyone would be a better candidate in my opinion.

More on Startup Show, noon MDT today (Friday) on YouTube Live Events, Google+ Hangouts On Air, or my link posted here just a minute before noon. 

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

No wonder he didn't call...

What a shock, I just wrote. John Andrews Facebook post just informed me his good friend Bill Armstrong had just died with a link to this CCU website

I'd tried to contact Bill a couple of times in the last couple of days, haven't seen him for at least a couple of years. The CCU site asks for memories about Bill, I'd barely started when cut off by the 1000 character limit...

So, continuing on...

The very first time I ever talked with Bill was in 1975 or so, he called me first thing in the morning after I was elected state chair of College Republicans, which was not a difficult job to get back in the Watergate years of the GOP.

He helped us get the national CR convention in Denver the following summer, that's when Dick Wadhams met CR national chair Karl Rove. I'm pretty sure Bill had a lot to do with me being in a TV special called, believe it or not, "Republicans are People, Too."  I guess they'd call it today "Republican Lives Matter."

Bill as a reference helped me get a job as Assistant-to-the-President with Outdoor Sports, which gave me the opportunity to take George Bush Sr. to the airport when he was RNC chair, to meet Byron White, Howard Baker, etc. etc.

Bill had always gotten back with me quickly until this last time. Years ago, the last time I saw Bill he had invited me to a talk he gave at the Brown Palace. I'd been critical of something or other to do with the way we saw the financial crisis, I wish now I'd tried just a little harder to connect with him.

Thanks for all the good memories Bill. May God bless and comfort you and your family.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Jeff Bridges suggests we return to frontier politics.

Is Jeff Bridges a transpolitical? He posted this on Facebook after he won his primary race Tuesday:

" I believe politicians should talk less and listen more, and that's exactly what we did in thousands of personal, one-on-one conversations. What we heard is that our neighbors are ready to rid Colorado of the partisanship that has infected our collaborative, frontier culture. We need fresh perspectives rooted in our shared Colorado values. And we look forward to having thousands more conversations between now and November."
If Jeff is open minded perhaps he'll find an hour to watch this talk by a Harvard professor addressing the reason for political parties. A professor at the University of Denver has just published a book that seems to make the same argument from what is said in this week's Colorado Statesman Newspaper. : Are Unaffiliated voters transpoliticals? Are they ...:

Interest in Sir Christopher Wren.

Anniversary of Royal Academy boosted awareness of Sir Christopher Wren. He was one of the founders, the first speaker, and was one of the elected Presidents of it.

Club had a different meaning back then, they were a mixture of people in and out of power so that we they started putting people in prison and worse when there was a change of kings there were friends on the new kings side who could help you out.

Royal Academy played a key role in the enlightenment, and Benjamin Franklin was admitted as a member and gave a talk on electricity.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Candidate Endorsements

I'm the registered agent for Save the Caucus click

We will be posting endorsements this afternoon (Sunday) at 3 p.m.

John S Wren
Save the Caucus

Friday, June 10, 2016

Bring your local business online #1: Introduction and hot topics

Startup Show: Hyper-local hold-up-your-hand marketing.

Live streams here at noon MDT today, Friday, June 10 or watch recording of the show anytime after that by recording. Today I'll talk about groups, neighborhoods, and how you can do well by doing good whether you are in a dorm or apartment, a duplex or single family residence.

To be on the show next week call me at (303)861-1447 Monday or Tuesday, and join us this afternoon here in Denver to continue the discussion at Panera LoDo, 16th & Market, more info at along with info about our other low cost/no-cost meetings you might find helpful.

Small Business Chamber of Commerce Startup Method: the practices of Recover, Imagine, Think, Learn, to Start, Grow and Flourish. For help see or call (303)861-1447

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

New! Wednesday Donut Club

Join us! 

Each Wednesday, 10 a.m.
Donut Club! East parking lot,
1881 Buchtel Blvd. Denver 80210

For more information, or to bring the donuts one week, 
call John Wren, (303)861-1447. 

Friday, June 03, 2016

Startup Show, Noon Today (6/3) or by recording:

Startup Show, sponsored by Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Here each Friday, Noon MDT, we talk about startup. To be on the show next week call John Wren on Monday or Tuesday at (303)861-1447 or RSVP for next week's show on where you'll also find information about the IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop and joining a peer advisory group. PLEASE CARE ENOUGH TO SHARE THIS WITH A FRIEND. THANKS!

THANKS Villager Newspaper.
Recovering the American Dream.
Denver Speakers Corner
IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop
New wife?

Sunday, May 29, 2016

1920 Brain Storm vs 2016 Brainstorming

The term "brain storm" appeared in medical writing of the 1920's, but by they 1950's the term for the outburst from a crazy person had taken on a new meaning. See this article (click) for the details about how the shift in meaning took place

Here is an analysis of the usage of "brain storm" and related terms since 1900, including one of the realms where it is now used perhaps most often, startup and entrepreneurship.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Today! Live! Startup Show, noon MDT.

Startup Show, Here each Friday, noon MDT, anytime after that via recording. Thanks for watching! John Wren Sponsored by Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Life's short, start now! Also seen on YouTube Live Events and Google+ Hangouts On Air. Mark your calendar, watch each week!

On today's show: Forbes Magazine article headlined "Why is entrepreneurship dying." Also, new developments with our SBCC Startup Method and the four practices. Tweet any question you'd like to see addressed Tweet @IDEACafe now or anytime including during the show.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

New Yelp listing for Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

Here is our new Yelp listing. Your feed back would be very helpful. If you think this is worth a 5-star review, please do review it. If not, please email me your suggestions or post them as a comment here below, ok? Thanks! How may I help you? John Wren (303)861-1447

Click red button for SBCC Yelp page:

Friday, May 20, 2016

Startup Show -- Starting a New Campaign.

The Startup Show is on each Friday, noon MDT, watch on YouTube Live Events, Google+ On Air Hangouts or right here on To be on the show next Friday call John Wren (303)861-1447

Yelp as a way to build attendance at IDEA Cafe.

We invite people to attend one time, we say if we are successful they will be too busy to come back to the next meeting. When we started doing this there was almost nothing being offered for startups, now there is a flood.

We continue to encourage people to get to work, not waste time in a lot of meetings, so getting those who have just decided to go in a new direction with their work like is an increasing challenge.

We are testing some advertising online, Yelp is one of the experiments. you can see what we are doing there by clicking the red Yelp button in the upper right hand corner.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Don't settle for just a neighborhood when you can live in a real village.

Save it? Or re-start the Colorado Caucus?

Link to very short video of me pointing Save the Caucus in a new direction after last Thursday evenings debate on HB 16-1454, a new every-precinct organization that will be able to resurrect the Colorado Caucus if the Colorado Senate doesn't do the right thing:

Join us in this new effort? Call me Monday or Tuesday at (303)861-1447.

Save the Caucus!

John Wren is the registered agent for Save the Caucus, a Colorado political committee. 1881 Buchtel Blvd. Denver, CO 80210 (303)861-1447

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What I am going to do with the time I have left:

Friday, April 22, 2016

Startup Show today or by recording:

Startup Show today (Fri, 4/22) noon MDT, topic: start of Save the Caucus in 2002 and restart in 2016. To be on the show next Friday or some Friday soon to share your startup experience call John Wren Monday or Tuesday, (303)861-1447

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Save the Caucus!

In 2002 Save the Caucus was formed to fight Amendment 29, which would have finished off our wonderful, potential wonderful with good leadership, neighborhood system for connecting with our elected representatives, the Colorado Caucus.

I learned about the Colorado Caucus from my neighbor Lyle Lindesmith. For years he'd given a 4-session workshop about how the system works called Action Class in Practical Politics.

Lyle explained the benefits of the system to me, and I got to see them first hand.

More about it on our Save the Caucus (click here) site, and also on the Facebook Page Colorado Caucus News (click here). 

Take a minute, inform yourself with the info on the above and elsewhere on the Internet, then email your elected representatives, ask them to "Save the Caucus" and to not support expected legislation that would establish a Presidential Primary, the very thing we got away from back in 2002 after trying it a couple of time.

Please, help us Save the Caucus!

John S Wren
Registered Representative,
Save the Caucus, a Colorado political committee  (303)861-1447

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Topic of Startup Show tomorrow (Fri, 4/15): Success. Watch this NOW: +Recover+Start+Grow+Flourish+: Review of Western Philosophy: True Success.:

Great video on success from Tom Morris, PhD, taught philosophy 15 years at Notre Dame before he started Morris Institute. Author of "If Aristotle Ran General Motors," many other books you can find on his website:

 Topic of Startup Show tomorrow, Friday, April 15.

Want to have me talk about your video? Or your favorite video? Call me Monday or Tuesday morning.

John Wren

Review of Western Philosophy: True Success.

Tom Morris, PhD, taught philosophy 15 years at Notre Dame,

Topic of Startup Show tomorrow, Friday, April 15. Noon MDT on or YouTube Live Events or Google+ Live Hangouts. Mark you calendar, join us tomorrow to see it live, or any time after the show you can watch the recording at the same places.

John Wren's Startup Show
sponsored by Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
"Start now!" (303)861-1447

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Startup Show, Noon MDT, April 1, 2016.

Startup Show, Noon MDT, April 1, 2016.: Today: Crusade to Truth, Justice and the American Way! Superman? No, it's the Colorado Caucus! Startup Show, each Friday at Noon MDT, now posted on or watch on YouTube Live Events or Google+ Live Hangouts.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Citizenship and Business

Startup Show, sponsored by your Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Each Friday at noon Denver time on YouTube live events, Google+ Live Hangouts
or you can always get a link to the show here, live at noon or by recording.

Today, the topic is citizenship and business. Can you really have one without the other?
If you'd like to be a guest on the show some Friday, call John Wren Monday or Tuesday.

Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
We cooperate with local chambers and others to
give more real help to startups and business owners. (303)861-1447

Save the Caucus, a Colorado political committee.
John S. Wren, Registered Agent (303)861-1447 Facebook/Colorado.Caucus.News

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Trump wins, we loose.

Yes, Donald Trump probably would win if GOP nominates him, and that is a real possibility.

What a sad, sad day for our country if that happens.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Today's Startup Show SPECIAL EDITION: Best networking event!!!

SBCC Soulful Startup Method: +Faith+Imagine+Think+Learn+: Startup Show today (Friday), big news!:

Click above to watch today's show, sorry for mixup. Today's SPECIAL EDITION focuses on the most powerful networking opportunity in Colorado, where you can do well by doing good. Check it out.

Startup Show: Noon live, or by recording:


Now Startup Show is put out to the world each Friday at noon Denver time, watch live on YouTube Live Events, Google+ Live Hangouts, or via link at noon on where you can see previous shows right now. TODAY'TOPIC: I'll be speaking directly to the delegates of both Denver County Conventions to encourage them to help us as we once again Save the Caucus by doing a couple of surprising things. 

For more now check out If we are successful both state party chairs will either resign or they will be removed from their state convention as the first order of business.

Watch the Startup Show each Friday at noon Denver time, sponsored by your Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. We cooperate with local chambers and others to give more real help to startups and small business owners. Membership is still free until April 15, just introduce yourself on our Facebook Page, then Like and Share the page. Http:// 

New! From now on to be a guest on the show you need to Tweet your request and then a 2nd Tweet at least a day or so in advance to remind your friends and to announce what you will be sharing on the show. Be sure to include #StartupShow and @IDEACafe in both Tweets. Tweet "Startup Show Guest?" to 

Questions? Call and leave a complete, confidential message for me on (303)861-1447, be sure to let me know good and bad times to call you back in the next few days. Please always call and leave a message anytime you send a message for me on the Internet, tell me if you used email, Facebook message, Linked In, Twitter, a post on one of my many web pages or Facebook Pages, etc etc.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Startup Show, on now! Or by recording later.

Today, Save the Caucus, getting help, and business cards.

To be on the show next week call John Monday or Tuesday (303)861-1447.

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Grassroots Rules. : #1 Reason to Save the Caucus: Most powerful tool f...

Grassroots Rules. : #1 Reason to Save the Caucus: Most powerful tool f...: Robert Putman wrote Bowling Alone to alert us to the growing problem of declining social capital, the network of neighbors and friends that ...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Grassroots Rules. : Save the Caucus! Here's why we need your help:

Grassroots Rules. : Save the Caucus! Here's why we need your help::

DRAFT 2-27-16 NOON. Save the Caucus! Don’t sign 99!

 The room is buzzing with conversation. Neighbors who may only have shared brief g... click above for more.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Startup Show: Save the Caucus!

Below is the raw, unedited Startup Show from today's 10:30 a.m. webcast via Google+ Live Hangouts and YouTube live events. If I add some clips the edited version will be longer and it will have titles, etc. be a little slicker. But this is important info, I wanted to get it out asap.

Below you'll find the media release from yesterday talking about the launch of "Light a Candle for the Colorado Caucus."

Watch here again Sunday (2/28) at noon when we'll talk about the disastrous Amendment 99 that will kill our wonderful Colorado Caucus, then Monday, and Tuesday live right here on or any time after the live webcast to watch the recording.

Here's today's show talking about what we are doing with Save the Caucus and why. If you want to know more, call me at (303)861-1447

Save the Caucus, a Colorado Political Committee, John Wren agent, 1881 Buchtel Blvd. #501, Denver, CO 80210 (303)861-1447

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Grassroots Rules. : Light a Candle March 1 for Colorado Caucus.

Grassroots Rules. : Light a Candle March 1 for Colorado Caucus.:  PLEASE SHARE your spiritual way of living, next Tuesday (3/1) go and SERVE your neighbors. (Just sent out on Twitter to people in 12-step r...

Friday, February 19, 2016

Save the Caucus!

Below: video of John Wren "The Caucus killers are coming," Committee Registration filed this morning for Save the Caucus, and media release "Political Committee "Save the Caucus" Threatens Recalls." To volunteer to help Save the Caucus, call Wren and leave message (303)861-1447.

To help Save the Caucus or to be on the Startup Show next week to share your startup experience, call John Wren and leave a complete message. He will call you back as soon as possible. Call John Wren (303)861-1447

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

A Foot in the RiverA Foot in the River by Felipe Fernández-Armesto

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Professor at Notre Dame, advisor to the Vatican makes the case for the power of positive thinking, that our lives and our culture change because of the real power of human imagination.

Big insight is that it's a big, big mistake to assume that change in human lives and in human culture is evolutionary, that good ideas defeat bad ideas automatically, with no human decision. Imagination without discernment is not necessarily leading us towards a better world.

The currently popular concept "memes" is a term to look up in the index and to read about first, profound insight with an argument that seems indisputable to me. I'd very much like your opinion about what he says about memes and the idea that real human change is beyond physical evolution.

John Wren

View all my reviews

Coming up later today....

In just a few minutes, reflections about experimenting with religion in light of Felipe Fernandez-Armesto's new book A Foot in the River-- Why Our Lives Change-- and the Limits of Evolution.

On the faculty at Notre Dame, this is what they say about his new book:

A Foot in the River: Why Our Lives Change — and the Limits of EvolutionFelipe Fernández-Armesto (Oxford University Press). The William P. Reynolds Professor of Arts and Letters at Notre Dame here presents a radical answer to the question of why human culture varies so radically from place to place, and what differentiates it from the behavior of such species as gorilla and dolphins. The historian posits that culture is exempt from evolution and we can make our world in the freedom of unconstrained imagination.

Grassroots Rules. : Thank you Colorado Secretary of State!

Grassroots Rules. : Thank you Colorado Secretary of State!: If you want to register to vote, manage your registration, or find your elected representatives districts, it's easy, fast, and accurate, just click the above title "Thank you Colorado..."

Monday, February 08, 2016

Startup Show?

Did you come here looking for the Startup Show?

For years I've done TV and radio shows that focus on startup. For the last few months I've been experimenting with doing the show as a Google+ Hangout, with a home for the tapes, and the live show via a link here and on Google+ and YouTube Live Events. Here is an example:

Today, I'm starting something slightly different.

Each day I'll post something here, but it won't always be a recording of a live interview. There is so much on the Internet, a more useful approach it seems to me is to help guide you towards what you might find most helpful. I'm looking at ways to index what I've posted over the last decade or so online.

So below is the post of today's episode, you can call it the Startup Show if you want. :-)

If there is a particular business or other topic you are interested in please call me. Thanks!

John Wren
Founder & CEO, Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
"We cooperate with local chambers and others to give more
real help to startups and small businesses." Join us, it's free today!

How do we learn? Really learn?

This TED talk has nearly 5 million hits, one of the most popular ever.

Is it true? Is it helpful? Not if this analysis is correct:

Thomas Jefferson said: "He who knows most knows how little he knows." This 20 hour approach is appealing in our fast-food culture, is it contributing to the process of the US becoming a nation of dilettantes?

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Volunteers needed for March 1 in Colorado:

Citizen journalist? Help in massive effort to cover the March 1 Colorado Caucus and report on Wikipedia with an article you name Colorado Caucus 2016 (County) (Precinct) (R or D)

Friday, February 05, 2016

Grassroots Rules. : Broncos and Colorado Caucus?Announcement at Super ...

Grassroots Rules. : Broncos and Colorado Caucus?Announcement at Super ...: PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE IF YOU AGREE. ALSO, PLEASE MESSAGE TO ANYONE YOU KNOW WITH BUDWEISER, THE BRONCOS, OR THE MEDIA.  Want the good...

Friday, January 29, 2016

Startup Show

No Startup Show today, watch for big announcement next week.
If you want call me for more information at (303)861-1447


John S. Wren, MBA+ for:
Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
We are not just about startup any more. FB/Small.Business.Chamber T@IDEACafe

Join us today, online membership is no cost to you if you:
1) Post an introduction of you/your business on our Facebook Page.
2) After you post intro Like and Share, encourage others to do the same.
3) Identify yourself as a member on your Website, in emails, link to us.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Colorado Caucus Contest

Colorado Caucus Contest.

Take your picture in this t-shirt, get special invitation.
For details and picture of t-shirts in blue, white and red: (Click)

Also, check you new article about Colorado Caucus on Wikipedia if
you haven't already. And Iowa caucuses. Caucuses?


Friday, January 22, 2016

Startup Show Topics: One Colorado Tour. How to find a good job fast.

Startup Show, here live by 12:30 p.m. each day Monday thru Friday. To be a guest on the show to share your startup experience call John Wren Monday or Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. Mountain.

Questions about startup? Call John Wren (303)861-1447

For more about the Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. see

It's free to join, just post an introduction of yourself and/or your business as a status update on our Facebook Page, then LIKE and SHARE the page with your Facebook friends. You are a member if you say you are on

One Colorado!

By 3 a.m. I was headed to bed, after I'd requested a few friends put in their email address at the bottom of the proposal as a reference for me, if you feel like you know me, I'd appreciate you doing the same right now.

Here is my wee hours proposal:

This morning I woke with this decision: I'm doing the tour whether we get the $50,000 or not. If we do get the grant, I'm hoping to have a bus and include Ben Franklin (my friend Chris) who is "Ben Franklin Live.") Maybe a band.

But I'll be doing the tour with our without the grant.

If we don't get it I may be hitchhiking and sleeping in chamber of commerce offices or local homes, but one way or the other, it will happen and conclude in Denver by March 1, Colorado Caucus Day.

The message of the tour will be One Colorado. We are loosing sight of the fact that we all have more in common than we have differences.

We will have a t-shirt design contest to express this thought: "March 1 is Colorado Caucus Day, not Colorado caucuses day. We are One Colorado!"

Look up "Colorado Caucus" on Wikipedia to see more about this in the comment at the top of the article, or if it's been taken down, see for yesterday's version of the Wikipedia article.

I'll be talking about all this today on the Startup Show, a link will be posted right here so you can watch live at 12:30 p.m. today (Friday) or come back anytime after that to watch a recording.

This weekend I'm going to offer something to do with using language as propaganda, which I think is happening with this change from Iowa Caucus to Iowa caucuses in Wikipedia, I've made an inquiry with Associated Press about when and why the Iowa and it looks like nation wide change took place with newspapers across the country.

Socrates Cafe is this evening (Fri) at 6 p.m., Panera Bread on the 16th Street Mall, across from the RTD Market Street Station, and tomorrow (Sat, 1/23) at the University of Denver in the Anderson Academic Commons. More info and optional RSVP at 

Please Tweet this, post on Facebook, email friends a copy. But most of all, come back here at 12:30 p.m. today for the Startup Show, and try and attend one of the Socrates Cafes this weekend.

Thanks for taking the time to strengthen the Colorado grassroots!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Startup Show

Today only, no Startup Show. Tune in tomorrow. RSVP and ask a question that will be answered on the show at

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Don't just network, connect! Today on the Startup Show.

Today: How to get through on the telephone for a personal conversation with virtually anyone, powerful ideas for when you want to earn or learn more and there are key people who you know could help you.

Also, Ben Franklin's 311th Birthday Committee, how you can help, and why you should.

Finally, big announcement that's coming here on the Startup Show tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Live at 12:30 p.m., the Startup Show Today, how to start a political career.

Watch here live at 12:30 p.m. Mountain each day Monday thru Friday or any time by recording.

Today the focus will be on serving in elected public office. Watch, then post your comments here.

Sponsored by John Wren's Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
"We cooperate with local chambers to provide more real help to startups."
For more check out
Membership is free, just post an intro as a status update, on our Facebook Page, then Like and Share: Follow us on Twitter @IDEACafe

Grassroots Rules. : Wikipedia and Colorado Caucus

Grassroots Rules. : Wikipedia and Colorado Caucus: The new Colorado Caucus listing on Wikipedia is getting lots of attention. If you've seen it a few hours ago it's probably different...

Monday, January 18, 2016

Startup Show-- Today on Contemplative Imagination & MLK Day

CORRECTION: Startup Show will now be on at 12:30 p.m. each day instead of 12:15 as originally announced. Sorry if that cause you a problem.

Topics today: Why this change in the Startup Show & how to be a guest and share your experience.

                         The new SBCC Spiritual Startup Method & 4 Practices

                         Meditation and Root & Branch Meeting

                         Suggestion for MLK Day.


THANKS! And let's remember, this life is very short, so let's get started now!

Friday, January 15, 2016

New! Startup Show Daily Edition.

Starting today the Startup Show will be on each day, live by 5 p.m. The show will be announced as being live here on this site and then shared with social media, we'll be asking guests to help, and we encourage everyone to do the same. After the live show it will be available by the same link as a recording which will be edited and captioned.

If you'd like to be a guest on the show call me an leave a complete message, your elevator talk that sums up who you are and what you do as well as any other information about your self and what you've started in the past, the story you'd like to tell on the show. Call me at (303)861-1447

Today's show will be live at 10 a.m. I hope you can join us, and PLEASE SHARE. THANKS!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Grassroots Rules. : Colorado Caucus on Wikipedia

 Colorado Caucus is now on Wikipedia. See link on 

New! "Before Socrates Cafe."

Starting next Thursday, January 21, 6 to 7 pm, at Trinity Church, 45 minute lecture from Princeton philosophy professor. watch for announcement tomorrow (Fri, 1/15) and click below for more info now and link to a sample lecture.

Friday, January 08, 2016

Socrates Cafe, join us!

We pick a topic, share our thoughts, ask each other questions.
Fridays and Saturdays, more info and optional RSVP at

More info and optional RSVP at

Startup Show: Practices of Faith and Thinking

Each Friday, 10 a.m. Mountain or here for recording later:

What do you think? Post your comments here or on our Facebook Page


Edited version will be up here with titles by 8 a.m. tomorrow (Sat, 1/9).

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Help now to achieve your vision.

Socrates Cafe: Get ready for Colorado Caucus!

 Don't forget to affiliate with the political party of your choice by January 4 to participate in the March 1 Colorado Caucus. Socrates Cafe is a great way to get ready for it!
This evening (Sat, 1/2) at 6:30 p.m. at DU or other times and places (we'll help you start a meeting at a time and place that works better for you after you've attended one if you want) no RSVP is required at your first meeting, walk-ins are always welcome, more info at (click here.) 

Also, mark your calendar for January 17, Ben Franklin's birthday. We are planning a party, but don't tell Ben! Details to follow. If you'd like to volunteer to help or sponsor, please call me, ok?

John Wren  (303)861-1447